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Using AWS


BOSH supports Multi-CPI since version v261+.

In this guide we explore how to configure BOSH to deploy VMs from a single deployment across two different regions in two separate AWS Accounts. Communication between regions will be configured via VPC Peering or through a VPN using IPSec.

For simplicity reasons we're going to allow all internal traffic between two VPCs, however this can be configured as desired by the operator.

Set up the IaaS

Let's start by initializing main AZ (z1) to US East (N. Virginia) by following steps 1 and 2 from Creating environment on AWS. This will give you a working BOSH Director in a single region. You can perform a deployment to test Director is working fine.

To add a second AZ (z2) to US West (N. California) you need to perform step 1 from Creating environment on AWS in another AWS account.

Connecting VPCs

The VMs in one AZ need to be able to talk to VMs in the other AZ. We're going to describe two ways AZs can be connected. You have two options:

  • if VPCs are in the same AWS region you can simply use VPC Peering as shown below

  • if VPCs are in different regions you will need to connect them through a OpenVPN as shown below

  • if VPCs are spread out across multiple regions, you can mix and match two approaches above

VPC Peering (only works for VPCs in the same region)

To connect VPCs in the same region you have to create a VPC Peering Connection between each region. In our case, we have two VPCs so only one connection is required.

  1. Create new VPC Peering Connection as shown in the image:


  2. From the Accepter VPC Account go into the console and click Accept Request. After accepting the request it will recommend you to edit the route tables from each VPC to allow traffic between them through the peering connection.


  3. Modify VPC Route Table in each VPC and add other VPC's CIDR block with the VPC Peering Connection as the target.

    For z1:


    For z2:



If you want IPv6 traffic to be routed you also need to add the corresponding IPv6 CIDR blocks.

OpenVPN using IPSec

Here we are going to use the OpenVPN BOSH Release to connect both OpenVPN Server and client in each region like shown below:


  1. Setup local Multi-CPI directories:

    mkdir -p ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn
    cd ~/workspace
    # Clone OpenVPN BOSH Release
    git clone [email protected]:dpb587/openvpn-bosh-release.git
    # Clone Multi-CPI Knowledge-Base
    git clone [email protected]:cdutra/bosh-multi-cpi-kb.git
    cd multi-cpi-vpn
  2. Allocate Elastic IPs for each VPN Server in their respective regions.

  3. Create following files ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az1.yml and ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az2.yml with the following properties. You should have all this information from the above Set up the IaaS step.

    access_key_id: <aws-access-key-id>
    secret_access_key: <aws-secret-access-key>
    region: <aws-region>
    availability_zone: <aws-availability-zone>
    subnet_id: <subnet-id>
    wan_ip: <aws-elastic-public-ip> # Used by OpenVPN Server
    default_security_groups: <security-group-name>
    bootstrap_ssh_key_name: <ssh-key-name>
    bootstrap_ssh_key_path: <ssh-private-key>
    route_table_id: <aws-route-table-id> # e.g. rtb-4127673b
  4. Generate certificates for each server and client.

    bosh int ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-ca.yml \
      -l ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az1.yml \
    bosh int ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-ca.yml \
      -l ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az2.yml \
  5. Deploy OpenVPN Servers in each AZ.

    # Create VPN server in z1
    bosh create-env \
      --vars-store ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az1.yml \
      --state ./openvpn-az1-state.json \
      -o ~/workspace/openvpn-bosh-release/deployment/init-aws.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/openvpn-bosh-release/deployment/with-pushed-routes.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-server-ops.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-client-ops.yml \
      -l ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az1.yml \
      -v server_key_pair=$( bosh int ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az1.yml --path /server_key_pair ) \
      -v push_routes=[""] \
      -v lan_gateway= \
      -v lan_ip= \
      -v lan_network= \
      -v lan_network_mask_bits=24 \
      -v vpn_network= \
      -v vpn_network_mask= \
      -v vpn_network_mask_bits=24 \
      -v remote_network_cidr_block= \
      -v remote_vpn_ip=<az2-vpn-external-ip> \
      -v client_key_pair=$( bosh int ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az2.yml --path /client_key_pair ) \
    # Create VPN server in z2
    bosh create-env \
      --vars-store ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az2.yml \
      --state ./openvpn-az2-state.json \
      -o ~/workspace/openvpn-bosh-release/deployment/init-aws.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/openvpn-bosh-release/deployment/with-pushed-routes.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-server-ops.yml \
      -o ~/workspace/bosh-multi-cpi-kb/templates/vpn-client-ops.yml \
      -l ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/creds-az2.yml \
      -v server_key_pair=$( bosh int ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az2.yml --path /server_key_pair ) \
      -v push_routes=[""] \
      -v lan_gateway= \
      -v lan_ip= \
      -v lan_network= \
      -v lan_network_mask_bits=24 \
      -v vpn_network= \
      -v vpn_network_mask= \
      -v vpn_network_mask_bits=24 \
      -v remote_network_cidr_block= \
      -v remote_vpn_ip=<az1-vpn-external-ip> \
      -v client_key_pair=$( bosh int ~/workspace/multi-cpi-vpn/certs-vpn-az1.yml --path /client_key_pair ) \

Configure CPI and Cloud configs

Now that the IaaS is configured, update your Director's CPI config:

- name: aws-us-east
  type: aws
    access_key_id: ((az1_access_key_id))
    secret_access_key: ((az1_secret_access_key))
    default_key_name: az-1
    - ((az1_security_group))
    region: us-east-1
- name: aws-us-west
  type: aws
    access_key_id: ((az2_access_key_id))
    secret_access_key: ((az2_secret_access_key))
    default_key_name: az-2
    - ((az2_security_group))
    region: us-west-1
bosh update-cpi-config cpi.yml

And cloud config:


The azs section of your cloud-config now contains the cpi key with available values that are defined in your cpi-config.

- name: z1
  cpi: aws-us-east
    availability_zone: us-east-1a
- name: z2
  cpi: aws-us-west
    availability_zone: us-west-1a

- name: default
  type: manual
  - az: z1
    reserved: []
      subnet: subnet-f529c6da
  - az: z2
    reserved: []
      subnet: subnet-452ec16a

- name: default
    instance_type: t2.medium

  az: z1
  network: private
  reuse_compilation_vms: true
  vm_type: default
  workers: 1
bosh update-cloud-config cloud.yml

Deploy example Zookeeper deployment
