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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at starkandwayne/shield-boshrelease. It was created based on the commit ef8fee8c.

Release Notes


  • Revamped SSH key support for agent/daemon communication. The SSH key is now required to be input, rather than having a key tied to stemcells + upgrades. Made property names more relevant for ssh key related properties.

Job Property Renames/Removals

  • The shield.daemon.host_key property is no longer used. It has been replaced by shield.daemon.ssh_private_key, with no default value. This must be specified in your manifest
  • The shield.agent.authorized_keys property is no longer used. It has been replaced by shield.agent.daemon_public_key. The new value is a scalar of the public key corresponding to shield.daemon.ssh_private_key, whereas the old property was an array. The agent will continue to use this in conjunction with any key found via the shield.agent.autoprovision detection.
  • The shield.agent.authorize_generated_daemon_key has been removed. It is no longer necessary, since the daemon key is no longer generated behind the scenes.


Bumped to v0.6.4


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "shield"
  version: "6.3.0"
  url: ""
  sha1: "1c8116361740eeadd4af09aa25c99bff1b5fb634"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 1c8116361740eeadd4af09aa25c99bff1b5fb634 \

