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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/cf-release. It was created based on the commit 7c126228.

Release Notes

The cf-release v250 was released on December 22, 2016.

IMPORTANT - The CAPI Release included in CF-250 has several new manifest properties that aren’t meant to be required yet. We’ve discovered an issue with BOSH directors before v257 where these properties must still be set. One of the following workarounds should be applied: - Upgrade your BOSH deployment to v257 or later - Set the following properties to ”” in your CF Deployment manifest: cc.mutual_tls.ca_cert, cc.mutual_tls.public_cert, and cc.mutual_tls.private_key - The Loggregator bosh properties for loggregator.tls.metron.cert and loggregator.tls.metron.key do not need to be set for this release. They were added for documentation that a future version of cf-release will require these properties.

The Loggregator release

Contents: - CC and Service Broker APIs - Identity - Routing - Loggregator - Buildpacks and Stacks - DEA-Warden-HM9000 Runtime - Internal Components - Recommended Versions of Additional Releases - Job Spec Changes - Recommended BOSH Stemcell Versions

CC and Service Broker APIs

Contains CAPI release v1.14.0. Release notes for v1.12.0, v1.13.0, and v1.14.0


No Changes


No changes


No changes

Buildpacks and Stacks


updated to 1.95.0 (from 1.92.0)



USN-3156-1 Ubuntu Security Notice USN-3156-1: - CVE-2016-1252: A man-in-the-middle attacker could circumvent the InRelease signature of a repository, leading to a malicious package being installed and, therefore, remote arbitrary code execution.



updated to v1.0.6 (from v1.0.5)


Highlights: - Add dotnet 1.0.0-preview2-1-003177, remove .NET SDK 1.0.0-preview2-1-003155

Default binary versions: node 6.9.1, bower 1.8.0, dotnet 1.0.0-preview2-003131


updated to v1.7.16 (from v1.7.15)


Highlights: - Add go 1.6.4, 1.7.4, remove go 1.6.2, 1.7.1

Default binary versions: go 1.7.4


updated to v1.5.24 (from v1.5.23)


Highlights: - Add node 7.2.0, remove node 7.0.0

Default binary versions: node 4.6.2


updated to v4.3.23 (from v4.3.22)


Highlights: - Add rdkafka for PHP5, ioncube for PHP 7 - Add nginx 1.11.6, remove nginx 1.11.5 - Add php 5.6.28, 7.0.13, remove php 5.6.26, 7.0.11

Default binary versions: php 5.5.38, composer 1.2.2, httpd 2.4.23, newrelic, nginx 1.11.6


updated to v1.5.13 (from v1.5.12)


Default binary versions: python 2.7.12


updated to v1.6.29 (from v1.6.28)


Highlights: - Add ruby 2.1.10, 2.2.6, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, remove ruby 2.1.8, 2.2.4, 2.3.1

Default binary versions: ruby 2.3.3, node 4.6.2


updated to v1.3.14 (from v1.3.13)


Highlights: - Enable ‘Vary: Accept-Encoding’ header - Add nginx 1.11.6, remove nginx 1.11.5

Default binary versions: nginx 1.11.6

DEA-Warden-HM9000 Runtime

This section will be updated soon. If this section is not yet up-to-date, please reach out for information: - direct team email: [email protected] - CF Dev mailing list:[email protected]/ - Slack channel: - GitHub issues:

Internal Components

postgres-release (includes postgres job)

  • No changes

etcd-release (includes etcd and etcd_metrics_server jobs)

  • No changes

consul-release (includes consul_agent job)

  • Bumped from v135 to v145. Functional changes: ** Now includes consul 0.7.1(was 0.7.0) ** Changes to support running consul_agent on windows in client mode.

nats-release (includes nats and nats_stream_forwarder jobs)

  • No changes.

Recommended Versions of Additional Releases

These versions are soft recommendations, as several different versions of these releases may work correctly with this version of cf-release. - Diego release v1.4.1. Release notes for v1.4.1 · v1.4.0 · v1.3.1 · v1.3.0. - Garden-Runc release v1.0.4. Release notes for v1.0.4. - cflinuxfs2-rootfs release v1.44.0. Release notes for v1.44.0 · v1.43.0 · v1.42.0.

Job Spec Changes

Recommended BOSH Stemcell Version

  • 3312.12

Note: For AWS you should use the Xen-HVM stemcells rather than Xen.

These are soft recommendations; several different versions of the stemcells are likely to work fine with this version of cf-release and the corresponding versions of the additional releases listed above.


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "cf"
  version: "250"
  url: ""
  sha1: "f6b118483a972d0f619af707cf4a55c20e27f361"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 f6b118483a972d0f619af707cf4a55c20e27f361 \

