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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/cf-release. It was created based on the commit d86b0fd3.

Release Notes

The cf-release v249 was released on December 10, 2016.


Contents: - CC and Service Broker APIs - Identity - Routing - Loggregator - Buildpacks and Stacks - DEA-Warden-HM9000 Runtime - Internal Components - Recommended Versions of Additional Releases - Job Spec Changes - Recommended BOSH Stemcell Versions

CC and Service Broker APIs

Contains CAPI release v1.11.0. Release notes for v1.11.0


UAA Release bumped to v24 aka UAA Release v3.9.3


Routing-release was bumped to 0.142.0


This section will be updated soon. If this section is not yet up-to-date, please reach out for information: - Updated to golang 1.7.4 - Improved Cipher Suites - Update to TLS versions being used

Buildpacks and Stacks

  • No changes

DEA-Warden-HM9000 Runtime

  • No changes

Internal Components

postgres-release (includes postgres job)

  • No changes

etcd-release (includes etcd and etcd_metrics_server jobs)

  • Bumped from v86 to v87. Functional changes: The proxy for TLS migration now responds to /v2/members, fixing an issue in consumers that get peers via the API instead of via bosh properties.

consul-release (includes consul_agent job)

  • No changes.

nats-release (includes nats and nats_stream_forwarder jobs)

  • No changes.

Recommended Versions of Additional Releases

These versions are soft recommendations, as several different versions of these releases may work correctly with this version of cf-release. - Diego release v1.2.0. Release notes for v1.2.0 · v1.1.0. - Garden-Runc release v1.04. Release notes for v1.0.4 · v1.0.3. - cflinuxfs2-rootfs release v1.41.0. Release notes for v1.41.0 · v1.40.0.

Job Spec Changes

Recommended BOSH Stemcell Versions

  • real IaaS: 3312.7
  • BOSH-Lite: 3312.7

Note: For AWS you should use the Xen-HVM stemcells rather than Xen.

These are soft recommendations; several different versions of the stemcells are likely to work fine with this version of cf-release and the corresponding versions of the additional releases listed above.


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "cf"
  version: "249"
  url: ""
  sha1: "02f5515722987b2d6f6a331698931febc8975adc"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 02f5515722987b2d6f6a331698931febc8975adc \

