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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry-incubator/bosh-azure-cpi-release. It was created based on the commit 7ea8b1f9.

Release Notes

New Features: - Support to set idle timeout in minutes for dynamic public IPs by configuring pip_idle_timeout_in_minutes in global Azure properties. - The default idle timeout of Azure public IPs is 4 minutes. The available value is [4, 30]. It must be integer. - If the interval that your applications send keep-alive is longer than the idle timeout, the TCP connections from/to the public IPs will be closed by Azure. So you need to increase the idle timeout of public IPs or decrease the interval in your applications. - If you set a too big value as the idle timeout, all ports associated with public IPs may be exhausted if your applications do not close TCP connections properly. - Keep failed VM if the VM fails in provisioning. - Sometimes, the user needs to keep the VM for troubleshooting when the VM provisioning fails due to some platform or stemcell issues.

Fixes: - Fix that some functions eat exceptions.

Docs: - Add a doc about how to backup and restore Cloud Foundry


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "bosh-azure-cpi"
  version: "24"
  url: ""
  sha1: "9f4cf9611c479f37b852ae2b33398753709d7027"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 9f4cf9611c479f37b852ae2b33398753709d7027 \

