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mc job from minio/2021-07-22T05-23-32Z

Github source: 573a734 or master branch



BASH script to run mc commands.

The pre-configured host configuration is called ‘myminio’. For example, if you need to create a bucket, you can write such code:

mc mb myminio/((bucket_name))

Support for TLS-enabled minio server is provided with a pre-configured config folder that is abailable at ‘/var/vcap/jobs/mc/config’. There is located the custom Certificate Athority certs that the ‘mc’ should trust. So, in a TLS-enabled server, the example bucket creation above becomes:

mc --config-folder /var/vcap/jobs/mc/config mb myminio/((bucket_name))

Note: we advise you to use the ‘–ignore-existing’ flag to ‘mc’ when writing bucket creation code as above.


Templates are rendered and placed onto corresponding instances during the deployment process. This job's templates will be placed into /var/vcap/jobs/mc/ directory (learn more).

  • bin/run (from run.erb)
  • config/certs/CAs/ca.crt (from ca.crt.erb)


Packages are compiled and placed onto corresponding instances during the deployment process. Packages will be placed into /var/vcap/packages/ directory.