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This topic describes cloud properties for different resources created by the Azure CPI.


  • availability_zone [String, optional]: Availability zone to use for creating instances (available in v33+). Possible values: '1', '2', '3'. Read this document to get regions and VM sizes on Azure that support availability zones. More details about availability zone.


- name: z1
    availability_zone: '1'


Dynamic Network or Manual Network

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • resource_group_name [String, optional]: Name of a resource group. If it is set, Azure CPI will search the virtual network and security group in this resource group. Otherwise, Azure CPI will search the virtual network and security group in resource_group_name in the global CPI settings.
  • virtual_network_name [String, required]: Name of a virtual network. Example: boshnet.
  • subnet_name [String, required]: Name of a subnet within virtual network.
  • security_group [String, optional]: The security group to apply to network interfaces of all VMs placed in this network. The security group of a network interface can be specified either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default security group (specified by default_security_group in the global CPI settings) will be used.
  • application_security_groups [Array, optional]: The application security group to apply to network interfaces of all VMs placed in this network. The application security groups of a network interface can be specified either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority).
    • This property is supported in v31+.
    • You must reference the document to register your subscription with this new feature.
  • ip_forwarding [Boolean, optional]: The flag to enable ip forwarding for network interfaces of all VMs placed in this network. The ip forwarding can be enabled/disabled either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default value is false. Available in v35.3.0+.
  • accelerated_networking [Boolean, optional]: The flag to enable accelerated networking for network interfaces of all VMs placed in this network. The accelerated networking can be enabled/disabled either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default value is false. Available in v35.4.0+. This feature needs ubuntu-xenial v81+ and specific instance type.

See how to create a virtual network and subnets.

Example of manual network:

- name: default
  type: manual
  - range:
      resource_group_name: my-resource-group-name
      virtual_network_name: my-vnet-name
      subnet_name: my-subnet-name
      security_group: my-security-group-name
      application_security_groups: ["my-application-security-group-name-1", "my-application-security-group-name-2"]
      ip_forwarding: true
      accelerated_networking: true

Vip Network

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • resource_group_name [String, optional]: Name of a resource group. If it is set, Azure CPI will search the public IP in this resource group. Otherwise, Azure CPI will search the public IP in resource_group_name in the global CPI settings.

See how to create public IP to use with vip networks.

Example of vip network:

- name: public
  type: vip
    resource_group_name: my-resource-group

VM Types / VM Extensions

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • instance_type [String, required]: Type of the instance. Example: Standard_A2. Basic Tier Virtual Machines should not be used if you need to bind the instance to Azure Load Balancer (ALB), because Basic Tier VM doesn't support ALB.
  • root_disk [Hash, optional]: OS disk of custom size.
    • size [Integer, optional]: Specifies the disk size in MiB.
      • The size must be greater than 3 * 1024 and less than the max disk size for unmanaged or managed disk. Please always use N * 1024 as the size because Azure always uses GiB but not MiB.
      • It has a default value 30 * 1024 only when ephemeral_disk.use_root_disk is set to true.
  • caching [String, optional]: Type of the disk caching of the VMs' OS disks. It can be either None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite. Default is ReadWrite.
  • ephemeral_disk [Hash, optional]: Ephemeral disk to apply for all VMs that are in this VM type/extension. By default a data disk with the default size as below will be created as the ephemeral disk.

    • use_root_disk [Boolean, optional]: Enable to use OS disk to store the ephemeral data. The default value is false. When it is true, ephemeral_disk.size will not be used.
    • size [Integer, optional]: Specifies the disk size in MiB. If this is not set, the default size as below will be used. The size of the ephemeral disk for the BOSH VM should be larger than or equal to 30*1024 MiB. Please always use N * 1024 as the size because Azure always uses GiB not MiB.
      • If the Azure temporary disk size for the instance type is less than 30*1024 MiB, the default size is 30*1024 MiB because the space may not be enough.
      • If the Azure temporary disk size for the instance type is larger than 1000*1024 MiB, the default size is 1000*1024 MiB because it is not expected to use such a large ephemeral disk in CF currently.
      • Otherwise, the Azure temporary disk size will be used as the default size. See more information about Azure temporary disk size.
    • caching [String, optional]: Type of the disk caching. It can be either None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite. Default is None.
    • type [String, optional]: Storage account type. Valid only when use_managed_disks is true. It can be either Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS or PremiumV2_LRS. You can click HERE to learn more about the type of Azure storage account. For PremiumV2_LRS, you have to set caching to None since PremiumV2_LRS does currently not support caching.
    • iops [Integer, optional]: IOPS of the disk. If you need more IOPS than the baseline offers, you can increase the IOPS of the disks. For more details, see Premium SSD v2 performance. Only supported for PremiumV2_LRS
    • mbps [Integer, optional]: Throughput in MB/s of the disk. If you need more throughput than the baseline offers, you can increase the throughput of the disks. For more details, see Premium SSD v2 performance. Only supported for PremiumV2_LRS
  • load_balancer [String, optional]: Name of a load balancer the VMs should belong to.

    • Notes:
      • You need to create the load balancer manually before configuring it.
      • Basic Tier Virtual Machines (Example: Basic_A1) doesn't support Azure Load Balancer.
      • If availability_zone is specified for the VM, standard sku load balancer must be used, as basic sku load balancer does not work for zone.
      • In CPI v37.6.0+, you can configure multiple Load Balancers (using a comma-delimited string).
      • This property is equivalent to the load_balancer/name property below.
  • load_balancer [Array or Hash, optional]: The load balancers the VMs should belong to.
    • Notes:
      • This property is supported in CPI v35.5.0+. In earlier versions, use the String property above instead.
      • In CPI v37.7.0+, you can configure multiple Load Balancers, using an Array of Hashes with the properties below.
      • In CPI v35.5.0+, you can configure a single Load Balancer, using a single Hash with the properties below.
      • You need to create the load balancer(s) manually before configuring them.
      • Basic Tier Virtual Machines (Example: Basic_A1) doesn't support Azure Load Balancer.
      • If availability_zone is specified for the VM, standard sku load balancer must be used, as basic sku load balancer does not work for zone.
    • name [String, required]: The name of the load balancer.
    • resource_group_name [String, optional]: The name of the load balancer's resource group. Default value is the resource_group_name specified in the global CPI settings.
    • backend_pool_name [String, optional]: The name of the load balancer backend address pool which VMs' IPs should be attached to. If not specified, defaults to the load balancer's "first" backend pool (as returned by the Azure API).
      • This property is supported in CPI v37.7.0+.
  • application_gateway [String, optional]: Name of the application gateway which the VMs should be attached to.
    • Notes:
      • This property is supported in CPI v28+.
      • You need to create the application gateway manually before configuring it. Please refer to the guidance.
      • This property is equivalent to the application_gateway/name property below.
  • application_gateway [Array or Hash, optional]: The application gateways the VMs should be attached to.
    • Notes:
      • This property is supported in CPI v37.7.0+. In earlier versions, use the String property above instead.
      • You need to create the application gateway(s) manually before configuring them. Please refer to the guidance.
    • name [String, required]: The name of the application gateway.
    • resource_group_name [String, optional]: The name of the application gateway's resource group. Default value is the resource_group_name specified in the global CPI settings.
    • backend_pool_name [String, optional]: The name of the application gateway backend address pool which VMs' IPs should be attached to. If not specified, defaults to the application gateway's "first" backend pool (as returned by the Azure API).
  • security_group [String, optional]: The security group to apply to network interfaces of all VMs who have this VM type/extension. The security group of a network interface can be specified either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default security group (specified by default_security_group in the global CPI settings) will be used.
  • application_security_groups [Array, optional]: The application security group to apply to network interfaces of all VMs who have this VM type/extension. The application security groups of a network interface can be specified either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority).
    • This property is supported in v31+.
    • You must reference the document to register your subscription with this new feature.
  • ip_forwarding [Boolean, optional]: The flag to enable ip forwarding for network interfaces of all VMs who have this VM type/extension. The ip forwarding can be enabled/disabled either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default value is false. Available in v35.3.0+.
  • accelerated_networking [Boolean, optional]: The flag to enable accelerated networking for network interfaces of all VMs who have this VM type/extension. The accelerated networking can be enabled/disabled either in a VM type/extension (higher priority) or a network configuration (lower priority). If it's not specified in neither places, the default value is false. Available in v35.4.0+. This feature needs ubuntu-xenial v81+ and specific instance type.

  • assign_dynamic_public_ip [Boolean, optional]: Enable to create and assign dynamic public IP to the VM automatically (to solve the azure SNAT issue). Default value is false. Only the VM without vip will be assigned a dynamic public IP when this value is set to true, and the dynamic public IP will be deleted when the VM is deleted.

  • availability_zone [String, optional]: Availability zone to use for creating instances (available in v33+). Possible values: '1', '2', '3'. Read this document to get regions and VM sizes on Azure that support availability zones. More details about availability zone.

  • availability_set [String, optional]: Name of an availability set to use for VMs. More details.
    • If available set does not exist, it will be automatically created.
    • If availability_set is not specified, Azure CPI will search as the name of availability set.
      1. bosh release v258+ will generate a value for automatically.
      2. On Azure the length of the availability set name must be between 1 and 80 characters. The name got from may be too long. CPI will truncate the name to the following format az-MD5-[LAST-40-CHARACTERS-OF-GROUP] if the length is greater than 80.
    • CPI v27+ will delete the empty availability set.
    • Only one of availability_zone and availability_set is allowed to be configured for a VM. If availability_zone is specified, the VM will be in a zone and not in any availability set.
  • platform_update_domain_count [Integer, optional]: The count of update domain in the availability set.
    • For Azure, the default value is 5.
    • For Azure Stack, the default value is 1.
  • platform_fault_domain_count [Integer, optional]: The count of fault domain in the availability set.

    • For Azure, the default value of an unmanaged availability set is 3. The default value of a managed availability set is 2, because some regions don't support 3 fault domains for now
    • For Azure Stack, the default value is 1. Before 1802 update, only 1 is allowed. After 1802 update, you can configure up to 3 fault domains.
  • storage_account_name [String, optional]: Storage account for VMs. Valid only when use_managed_disks is false. If this is not set, the VMs will be created in the default storage account. See this document for more details on why this option exists.

    • If you use DS-series or GS-series as instance_type, you should set this to a premium storage account. See more information about Azure premium storage. See avaliable regions where you can create premium storage accounts.
    • If you use a different storage account which must be in the same resource group, please make sure:
      1. The permissions for the container stemcell in the default storage account is set to Public read access for blobs only.
      2. A table stemcells is created in the default storage account.
      3. Two containers bosh and stemcell are created in the new storage account.
    • If this storage account does not exist, it can be created automatically by Azure CPI. But you must specify storage_account_type and make sure:
      1. The name must be unique within Azure.
      2. The name must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.
    • If you use a pattern *keyword*. CPI will filter all storage accounts under the default resource group by the pattern and pick one available storage account to create the VM.
      1. The pattern must start with * and end with *.
      2. The keyword must only contain numbers and lower-case letters because of the naming rule of storage account name.
      3. The rule to select an available storage account is to check the number of disks under the container bosh does not exceed the limitation.
      4. The default number of disks limitation is 30 but you can specify it in storage_account_max_disk_number.
  • storage_account_type [String, optional]: Storage account type. You can click HERE to learn more about the type of Azure storage account.
    • When use_managed_disks is true, the root disk's type is specified by this property. It can be either Standard_LRS or Premium_LRS. If not specified, Premium_LRS will be used when its instance_type supports premium storage, otherwise, Standard_LRS will be used.
    • When use_managed_disks is false, the newly-created storage account's type is specified by this property. It can be either Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS or Premium_LRS. It's required if the storage account does not exist.
  • storage_account_max_disk_number [Integer, optional]: Number of disks limitation in a storage account. Valid only when use_managed_disks is false. Default value is 30. This will be used only when storage_account_name is a pattern.
    • Every storage account has a limitation to host disks. You may hit the performance issue if you create too many disks in one storage account.
    • The maximum number of disks of a standard storage account is 40 because the maximum IOPS of a standard storage account is 20,000 and the maximum IOPS of a standard disk is 500.
    • If you are using premium storage account, Azure maps the disk size (rounded up) to the nearest Premium Storage Disk option (P10, P20 and P30). For example, a disk of size 100 GiB is classified as a P10 option.
      1. The maximum number of disks of a premium storage account is 280 if you are using P10 (128 GiB) as your disk type.
      2. The maximum number of disks of a premium storage account is 70 if you are using P20 (512 GiB) as your disk type.
      3. The maximum number of disks of a premium storage account is 35 if you are using P30 (1024 GiB) as your disk type.
    • storage_account_max_disk_number should be less than the maximum number. Suggest you to use (MAX - 10) as the value because CPI always creates VMs in parallel.
    • Please see more information about azure-subscription-service-limits.
  • storage_account_location [String, optional]: Location of the storage account. This configuration is deprecated in CPI v25+: if you specify a storage account which does not exist, CPI (v25+) will create it automatically in the same location as VMs' VNET.

  • resource_group_name [String, optional]: Name of a resource group (Available in v26+). If it is set, related resources will be created in this resource group; otherwise, they will be created in resource_group_name specified in the global CPI settings. The resources affected by this property are:

    1. Virtual Machine
    2. Network Interface Card
    3. Managed Disks (including OS disk, ephemeral disk, persistent disk and snapshot)
    4. Dynamic Public IP for the VM
    5. Availability Set
  • managed_identity [Hash, optional]: Azure Managed Identity to assign to the VM. With a Managed Identity, the VM can access Azure resources (like Storage Accounts and KeyVaults) without needing to store credentials on the VM.

    • type [String, optional]: You can choose between UserAssigned and SystemAssigned. The default value is SystemAssigned.
    • user_assigned_identity_name [String, required]: Specifies the name of the Managed Identity.
  • tags [Hash, optional]: Custom tags of VMs (Available in v35.4.0+). They are name-value pairs that are used to organize VMs.

Example of a Standard_A2 VM:

- name: default
    instance_type: Standard_A2
      size: 30_720
      use_root_disk: false
      size: 30_720

Example of a load balancer (simple configuration):

- name: load-balancer-example-1
    load_balancer: <load-balancer-name>

Example of a load balancer (complex configuration):

- name: load-balancer-example-2
      name: <load-balancer-name>
      # resource_group_name is optional
      resource_group_name: <resource-group-name>
      # backend_pool_name is optional
      backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-name>

Example of multiple load balancers (4 backend address pools of 3 LBs):

- name: load-balancer-example-3
      - name: <load-balancer-1-name>
      # NOTE: the following LB is in a different Resource Group (than the `resource_group_name` in the global CPI settings)
      - name: <load-balancer-2-name>
        resource_group_name: <resource-group-name>
      # NOTE: the following 2 attach the VMs to 2 separate backend address pools of the same LB
      - name: <load-balancer-3-name>
        backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-2-name>
      - name: <load-balancer-3-name>
        backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-4-name>

Example of an application gateway (simple configuration):

- name: application-gateway-example-1
    application_gateway: <application-gateway-name>

Example of an application gateway (complex configuration):

- name: application-gateway-example-2
      name: <application-gateway-name>
      # resource_group_name is optional
      resource_group_name: <resource-group-name>
      # backend_pool_name is optional
      backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-name>

Example of multiple application gateways (4 backend address pools of 3 AGWs):

- name: application-gateway-example-3
      - name: <application-gateway-1-name>
      # NOTE: the following AGW is in a different Resource Group (than the `resource_group_name` in the global CPI settings)
      - name: <application-gateway-2-name>
        resource_group_name: <resource-group-name>
      # NOTE: the following 2 attach the VMs to 2 separate backend address pools of the same AGW
      - name: <application-gateway-3-name>
        backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-2-name>
      - name: <application-gateway-3-name>
        backend_pool_name: <backend-pool-4-name>

Example of an availability set:

- name: availability-set
    availability_set: <availability-set-name>

Example of a Managed Identity:

- name: <managed-identity-example-1>
      type: UserAssigned
      user_assigned_identity_name: <name of managed identity>

The above vm_extensions cloud configuration examples are referenced within the deployment manifest as such:

- name: router
  instances: 2
  azs: [z1, z2]
  networks: [{name: default}]
  vm_type: default
  stemcell: default
  - name: router
    release: default
  - load-balancer-example-1
  - application-gateway-example-2
  - availability-set

Disk Types

  • name [String, required]: Name of the disk type.
  • disk_size [Integer, required]: Size of the disk in MiB. On Azure the disk size must be greater than 1 * 1024 and less than the max disk size for unmanaged or managed disk. Please always use N * 1024 as the size because Azure always uses GiB not MiB.

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • caching [String, optional]: Type of the disk caching. It can be either None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite. Default is None.
  • storage_account_type [String, optional]: Storage account type. Valid only when use_managed_disks is true. It can be either Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS or PremiumV2_LRS. You can click HERE to learn more about the type of Azure storage account. For PremiumV2_LRS, you have to set caching to None since PremiumV2_LRS does currently not support caching.
  • iops [Integer, optional]: IOPS of the disk. If you need more IOPS than the baseline offers, you can increase the IOPS of the disks. For more details, see Premium SSD v2 performance. Only supported for PremiumV2_LRS
  • mbps [Integer, optional]: Throughput in MB/s of the disk. If you need more throughput than the baseline offers, you can increase the throughput of the disks. For more details, see Premium SSD v2 performance. Only supported for PremiumV2_LRS

Example of a 10GB Standard LRS disk:

- name: default
  disk_size: 10_240
    storage_account_type: Standard_LRS

To modify the cloud_properties such as storage_account_type, iops, and mbps of a disk without the necessity to create a new one and transfer the data, you can utilize the Native Disk Update Feature.

Global Configuration


  • environment [String, required]: Azure environment name. Possible values are: AzureCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureUSGovernment (available in v19+), AzureGermanCloud (available in v22+) or AzureStack.
  • location [String, optional]: Azure region name. Only required when vm_resources is specified in the deployment manifest. Available in v33+.
  • subscription_id [String, required]: Subscription ID.
  • tenant_id [String, required]: Tenant ID of the service principal.
  • client_id [String, required]: Client ID of the service principal.
  • client_secret [String, optional]: Client secret of the service principal.
  • certificate [String, optional]: The certificate for your service principal. Azure CPI v35.0.0+ supports the service principal with a certificate. Only one of client_secret and certificate can be specified.
  • resource_group_name [String, required]: Resource group name.
  • storage_account_name [String, optional]: Storage account name. It will be used as a default storage account for VM disks and stemcells. If use_managed_disks is false, storage_account_name is required. Otherwise, storage_account_name is optional.
  • ssh_user [String, required]: SSH username. Default: vcap.
  • ssh_public_key [String, required]: SSH public key.
  • default_security_group [String, optional]: Name of the default security group that will be applied to all created VMs. This property is required before v35.0.0, and optional in v35.0.0+.
  • azure_stack [Hash, optional]: Configration for AzureStack. Available in v23+.
    • domain [String, optional]: The domain for your AzureStack deployment. Default is local.azurestack.external. You can use the default value for Azure Stack development kit. To get this value for Azure Stack integrated systems, contact your service provider.
    • authentication [String, optional]: The authentication type for your AzureStack deployment. Possible values are: AzureAD, AzureChinaCloudAD and ADFS. You need to specify certificate if you select ADFS, because Azure Stack with ADFS authentication only supports the service principal with a certificate.
    • resource [String, optional]: Active Directory Service Endpoint Resource ID, where you can get the token for your AzureStack deployment.
    • endpoint_prefix [String, optional]: The endpoint prefix for your AzureStack deployment. Default is management.
    • skip_ssl_validation [Boolean, optional]: Toggles verification of the Azure Resource Manager REST API SSL certificate. Default is false. Deprecated in v35.0.0+.
    • use_http_to_access_storage_account [Boolean, optional]: Flag for using HTTP to access storage account rather than the default HTTPS. Default is false. Deprecated in v35.0.0+.
    • ca_cert [String, required]: All required custom CA certificates for AzureStack. You can export the Azure Stack CA root certificate. Available in v27+.
      • The property is required for v35.0.0+.
      • For the versions from v27 to v34, if ca_cert is not provided, the skip_ssl_validation and use_http_to_access_storage_account must be set to true.
  • parallel_upload_thread_num [Integer, optional]: The number of threads to upload stemcells in parallel. The default value is 16.
  • debug_mode [Boolean, optional]: Enable debug mode. The default value is false. When debug_mode is true:
    • CPI will log all raw HTTP requests/responses.
    • For Azure CPI v26~v35.1.0, the new created VMs (only for VMs in same region with storage_account_name specified in Global Configuration) will have boot diagnostics enabled. Note: For Azure CPI v35.2.0+, VM boot diagnostics will NOT be configured by debug_mode any more, it will be configured by enable_vm_boot_diagnostics.
  • use_managed_disks [Boolean, optional]: Enable managed disks. The default value is false. For AzureCloud, the option is supported in v21+. For AzureChinaCloud, AzureUSGovernment, and AzureGermanCloud, the option is supported in v26+. For AzureStack, the option is not yet supported.
  • pip_idle_timeout_in_minutes [Integer, optional]: Set idle timeouts in minutes for dynamic public IPs. It must be in the range [4, 30]. The default value is 4. It is only used when assign_dynamic_public_ip is set to true in resouce_pool. Available in V24+.
  • keep_failed_vms [Boolean, optional]: A flag to keep the failed VM. If it's set to true and CPI fails to provision the VM, CPI will keep the VM for troubleshooting. The default value is false. Available in v32+. Please note that the option is different from keep_unreachable_vms of the director configuration. The latter is to keep the VM whose BOSH agent is unresponsive.
  • enable_telemetry [Boolean, optional]: A flag to enable telemetry on CPI calls on Azure. Available since v35.2.0. The default value is true in v35.2.0, and is false in v35.3.0+.
  • enable_vm_boot_diagnostics [Boolean, optional]: A flag to enable VM boot diagnostics on Azure. Available since v35.2.0. The default value is true in v35.2.0, and is false in v35.3.0+.

See all configuration options.

See Creating Azure resources page for more details on how to create and configure above resources.

Example with hard-coded credentials:

environment: AzureCloud
subscription_id: 3c39a033-c306-4615-a4cb-260418d63879
tenant_id: 0412d4fa-43d2-414b-b392-25d5ca46561da
client_id: 33e56099-0bde-8z93-a005-89c0f6df7465
client_secret: client-secret
resource_group_name: bosh-res-group
storage_account_name: boshstore
ssh_user: vcap
ssh_public_key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N...6HySEF6IkbJ"
default_security_group: nsg-azure

Example Cloud Config

- name: z1
- name: z2

- name: default
    instance_type: Standard_A2

- name: default
  disk_size: 10_240

- name: default
  type: manual
  - range:
    dns: []
    azs: [z1, z2]
      virtual_network_name: boshnet
      subnet_name: boshsub
- name: vip
  type: vip

  workers: 5
  reuse_compilation_vms: true
  az: z1
  vm_type: default
  network: default