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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at logsearch/logsearch-boshrelease. It was created based on the commit 9d9993c3.

Release Notes

This release most notably adds support for performance monitoring (via logsearch-shipper, and identifying deployment bottlenecks) and support for long-term, raw log archiving (via AWS S3). - new feature: logsearch-shipper integration, including metric collectors for elasticsearch/redis and a Kibana dashboard - new feature: enhanced event monitoring - optionally have ingestor and parser add timing metadata for helping to identify bottlenecks (#79) - new feature: archiving - optionally archive/compress all messages into AWS S3; includes basic scripts for restoring those archived files (#78) - enhancement: simplify the drain script used for blocking elasticsearch deploys to avoid downtime (#78) - change: the host and sslsubject fields in the ssl-syslog ingestor are now named @ingestor.remote_host and @ingestor.sslsubject (#69) - bug: fix logstash config issue when logstash_parser.filters is empty (#84)

Upload this release to your BOSH using:

bosh upload release


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "logsearch"
  version: "17"
  url: ""
  sha1: "1ea167b32725418cbd247288033f85707fb55a3f"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 1ea167b32725418cbd247288033f85707fb55a3f \

