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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at dingotiles/dingo-postgresql-release. It was created based on the commit 571d5db1.

Release Notes


disaster-recovery errand supports buddy-broker derived services/plans

At @starkandwayne we have Dingo PostgreSQL running on AWS and registered privately with Pivotal Web Service in each of our organizations/spaces. Since Cloud Foundry requires all per-space brokers to have unique GUIDs and names we use But Dingo PostgreSQL’s disaster-recovery errand didn’t work with it since it was only looking up a single service GUID.

This is now fixed. A service/plan registered with will have GUIDs that are prefixed with the root service ID. So we now search thru all pages of /v2/services, looking for multiple services that have the GUID of or prefixed by the provided root service ID.

dpg support tool

Previously only available in bin/dpg within the BOSH release, this support tool is now installable as a BOSH job template dpg-cli. The spruce templates automatically add it to router job. It pre-configures dpg with cf, etcd, and service broker credentials; and makes dpg immediately runnable as root user.

To add dpg-cli to router job (or any other), add to the job and provide properties:

- name: router
  instances: 1
    - {name: remote-syslog, release: simple-remote-syslog}
    - {name: broker, release: dingo-postgresql}
    - {name: router, release: dingo-postgresql}
    - {name: dpg-cli, release: dingo-postgresql}
      machines: []
      port: 8889 # internally binding
      username: starkandwayne
      password: starkandwayne
      api_url: ...
      username: ...
      password: ...
      skip_ssl_validation: false
      machines: [...]

Then, after bosh ssh router/0, change to root user and try dpg:

bosh ssh router/0
sudo su -
dpg ls

To see help, run dpg without arguments.

Example commands to test drive the support tool:

dpg target
dpg ls

The first column are the Cloud Foundry service instance IDs, referenced as INSTANCE_ID in the dpg help above.

dgp status INSTANCE_ID

To create or delete service instances without Cloud Foundry API/CLI:

dpg create my-first-cluster
dpg ls
dpg raw /service/my-first-cluster
dpg raw /service/my-first-cluster/members

Once the cluster is up and running:

dpg superuser-psql my-first-cluster

This will provide a psql interactive console:

psql (9.4.5, server 9.5.3)
WARNING: psql major version 9.4, server major version 9.5.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.


Continuing with example commands:

dpg wale-backup-list my-first-cluster
dpg delete my-first-cluster

NOTE: my-first-cluster will be a long UUID/GUID for values provided by Cloud Foundry; and a value prefixed by T- when created by the sanity-test errand (which can be deleted if you see them).

Upgrade to etcd-release v74

Check for new properties to disable/enable more health logging.

Upload to BOSH

To upload BOSH releases:

curl -s "" | jq -r ".assets[].browser_download_url"  | grep tgz |   xargs -L1 bosh upload release --skip-if-exists

Or get URLs for BOSH releases:

curl -s "" | jq -r ".assets[].browser_download_url"  | grep tgz


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "dingo-postgresql"
  version: "0.10.1"
  url: ""
  sha1: "6b2014782eb67eac81e63b5093b4a045260c6ecd"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 6b2014782eb67eac81e63b5093b4a045260c6ecd \

