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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/loggregator. It was created based on the commit 3dd8033.

Release Notes

Additional Steps - CF Release: - Add uaa.internal_url with a value of - Deploy and test using cf nozzle (pushing app will most likely fail due to non loggregator issues) - CF Deployment: - Remove uaa.url - Deploy and test using cf-nozzle - Remove cc.srv_api_url from loggregator components. See here

Changelog: - Add mutual TLS auth between Trafficcontroller and Cloud Controller - TC New Properties: - cc.internal_service_hostname - cc.tls_port - cc.mutual_tls.ca_cert - loggregator.tls.cc_trafficcontroller.cert
- loggregator.tls.cc_trafficcontroller.key - TC Removed Properties: - cc.srv_api_url - Trafficcontroller uses UAA internal URL - TC New Properties: - uaa.internal_url - uaa.ca_cert - TC Removed Properties - login.protocol - uaa.url - Decrease timeout for requests from TC to Doppler. This is to fix errors where clients using NOAA timeout after 10 seconds and fail. - Fix race condition in Trafficcontroller websocket keep-alive logic. - Trafficcontroller timeout websocket ping frames. - Metron metrics are emitted on interval of 60s. - Fix the way instance_id is handled when converting from v1 and v2 envelopes. - Add batching between Dopplers and TCs/RLPs. - RLP provides batching API. - Fix multiple write header calls in TC. - killall TC and RLP vs killing based on PID.


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "loggregator"
  version: "93"
  url: ""
  sha1: "d16c1f51314851f8e830002a41deef55a6c21dd5"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 d16c1f51314851f8e830002a41deef55a6c21dd5 \

