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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry/cf-mysql-release. It was created based on the commit 887aae6b.

Release Notes

New Features

  • As an Operator, I’d like to trigger the bootstrap process without performing the work manually. [#106994020]
    • This mini-epic automates the process of bootstrapping the MariaDB/Galera cluster via a bosh errand. Bootstrapping is only necessary when the MariaDB VMs have been interrupted, either by reboot or network interruption. See the documentation for more information.
  • Updated MariaDB to version 10.0.22 [#106993116]
  • As an Operator, I’d like to optimize connection performance by skipping reverse DNS resolution [#106063730]
    • We’ve introduced a new configurable property, skip_name_resolve for the mysql jobs. The current default is ‘false,’ the same behavior of previous versions of cf-mysql-release. When set to ‘true,’ this option improves performance by skipping DNS resolution to enforce hostname restrictions. In the typical Cloud Foundry context, hostname restrictions are not used.
    • Note: The next release of cf-mysql-release will change the default to ‘true’.
  • As an Operator, I’d like to be able to declare service plans as private in the deployment manifest [#103699052]
    • Add support for private plans. In previous versions, all plans were automatically published to all CF organizations by the broker-registrar errand. This feature introduces a new optional property, private. When set to ‘true,’ plans will not be published to all CF orgs when running broker-registrar. Private plans must be manually published by a cf admin, as described in the documentation.

New Documentation

  • As a BOSH Operator, I should discover that deployment fails if plan names do not conform to CLI format [#107603894]
  • As an Application Developer, I’d like to see a link to the documentation when I run cf service [instance name] [#107963372]
  • Replace manual bootstrap instructions in OSS docs with run errand instructions [#109827548]

Bugfixes and Interestings

  • Quota enforcer will spawn a new process when restarted without killing the existing process [#99640614]
    • Addresses a bug in which the Service Broker VMs may be overloaded by hordes of Quota Enforcer processes.
  • A wildcard SSL cert does not cover [#95581184]
    • We’ve changed the proxy dashboard URL from “proxy-0.p-mysql.DOMAIN” to “proxy-0-p-mysql.DOMAIN.” This subtle change makes the endpoint easier to cover with an SSL wildcard certificate.
  • Service broker should update max user connections on startup [#109492744]
    • Fix bug where max_user_connections quota for existing service instances was not updated when a plan definition is updated.
  • Service broker does not update existing service instances when the size of a plan is updated [#105336102]
    • Fix bug where storage quota for existing service instances was not updated when a plan definition has been changed.
  • broker-registrar errand should update broker if it already exists [#95587238]
    • The cf update-service-broker command is now run automatically as part of broker-registrar errand. This saves the operator from having to run CF commands manually after adding/modifying plans.
  • Switchboard should not start if proxy or api section fail to run [#87746750]
  • Update script should fail fast if permissions denied [#105491860]
  • Move concourse config into cf-mysql-ci repo [#105428042]

Manifest Changes

  • Manifest changes required for bootstrap security [#106993928]

    • Added new properties bootstrap_endpoint.username and bootstrap_endpoint.password.
    • To enable the auto-bootstrap feature, you’ll find a new section in the Infrastructure stubs provided with the release. You’ll need to provide a new username and password for the bootstrap endpoints.

  • Manifest changes required to declare plans private [#103699052]

    • Service plans are typically defined in plans_stub.yml. We’ve added a new property, private. To configure, please read the documentation on service plans.
  • After updating your stubs, make sure to generate a new manifest as described in Create Manifest and Deploy.


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "cf-mysql"
  version: "25"
  url: ""
  sha1: "601b9e33a0afc7303e218f6f14955df89433278f"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 601b9e33a0afc7303e218f6f14955df89433278f \

