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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry-incubator/cf-networking-release. It was created based on the commit f778cce.

Release Notes

This release includes initial support for BBR. Try it out and give us your feedback in the #container-networking channel on

Take a look at known issues for current limitations and known issues.

Verified with the following: - CF deployment

Manifest Changes

Links Enabled The policy-server now provides database connection info via a link which the new policy-server-internal job consumes: - cf_networking.policy_server.database.type - cf_networking.policy_server.database.username - cf_networking.policy_server.database.password - cf_networking.policy_server.database.port - -

New Properties - REQUIRED: A new job policy-server-internal has been added. This job requires the following properties: - cf_networking.policy_server_internal.ca_cert - cf_networking.policy_server_internal.server_cert - cf_networking.policy_server_internal.server_key There are additional optional paramaters that can be set and are viewable in the spec file - An optional parameter has been added to configure the path to the iptables kernel log for the iptables_logger. - cf_networking.iptables_logger.kernel_log_file

Removed Properties - The policy-server job has removed the following properties: - cf_networking.policy_server.internal_listen_port - cf_networking.policy_server.ca_cert - cf_networking.policy_server.server_cert - cf_networking.policy_server.server_key

Changed Properties - The property for the consul_agent job on the api instance group should be renamed to

Significant Changes

CLI Changes

BBR Changes



You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "cf-networking"
  version: "1.5.0"
  url: ""
  sha1: "4244a6e99e24748d4b0161f18f804859cdb4391c"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 4244a6e99e24748d4b0161f18f804859cdb4391c \

