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You can find the source of this version on GitHub at cloudfoundry-incubator/cf-networking-release. It was created based on the commit 7c9f3d5.

Release Notes

This release introduces a beta version of a new container networking fabric called “silk” and contains significant changes to job and property names. In order to deploy silk you must upgrade to Diego release v1.15.0 or higher.

Silk is a replacement for flannel, which uses a central controller node backed by a SQL database. Etcd is no longer required by CF Networking Release when running Silk.

There are several manifest changes required to enable Silk, and we highly recommend reading the manifest changelog to understand the changes.

We do not recommend using cf-networking-release in production yet, but give it a try and give us your feedback in the #container-networking channel on

Take a look at known issues for current limitations and known issues. Verified with the following: - CF deployment

Manifest Changes

Too many to list here - please take a look at the manifest changelog

Significant Changes

Silk Controller and daemon

Acceptance Tests

Policy Server


You can reference this release in your deployment manifest from the releases section:

- name: "cf-networking"
  version: "0.22.0"
  url: ""
  sha1: "a63131bbbc41317008e46f0d8d5852929f70f2a8"

Or upload it to your director with the upload-release command:

bosh upload-release --sha1 a63131bbbc41317008e46f0d8d5852929f70f2a8 \

