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This document shows how to create a new environment on IBM Cloud Infrastructure (previously called SoftLayer).

Step 1: Prepare an IBM Cloud Infrastructure Environment

To prepare your IBM Cloud Infrastructure environment:

Create a SoftLayer account

If you do not have an SoftLayer account, create one for one month free.

Use the login credentials received in your provided email to login to SoftLayer Customer Portal.

Generate an API Key

API keys are used to securely access the SoftLayer API. Follow Generate an API Key to generate your API key.

Access SoftLayer VPN

To access SoftLayer Private network, you need to access SoftLayer VPN. Follow VPN Access to access the VPN. You can get your VPN password from your user profile. Follow VPN Access to access the VPN.

Order VLANs

VLANs provide the ability to partition devices and subnets on the network. To order VLANs, login to SoftLayer Customer Portal and navigate to Network > IP Management > VLANs. Once on the page, click the "Order VLAN" link in the top-right corner. Fill in the pop-up window to order the VLANs as you need. The VLAN IDs are needed in the deployment manifest.

Step 2: Deploy

  1. Install BOSH CLI v2.

  2. Establish VPN to make sure you can connect to IBM Cloud Infrastructure over private network from your workstation where to run BOSH CLI.

  3. Apply a portable IP from Softlayer. Let's say it's

  4. Use bosh create-env command to deploy the Director.

    # Create a worksapce directory to keep state
    mkdir -p bosh-workspace && cd bosh-workspace
    # Clone Director templates
    git clone
    # Fill below variables (replace example values) and deploy the Director
    sudo bosh create-env bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
        --state=state.json \
        --vars-store=creds.yml \
        -o bosh-deployment/softlayer/cpi.yml \  
        -v director_name=bosh \
        -v internal_cidr= \        
        -v internal_gw= \             
        -v internal_ip= \
        -v sl_datacenter= \
        -v sl_vm_domain= \
        -v sl_vm_name_prefix= \
        -v sl_vlan_public= \
        -v sl_vlan_private= \
        -v sl_username= \
        -v sl_api_key=
  5. Connect to the Director.

    # Configure local alias
    bosh alias-env bosh-1 -e --ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)
    # Log in to the Director
    export BOSH_CLIENT=admin
    export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`
    # Query the Director for more info
    bosh -e bosh-1 env
  6. Save the deployment state files stored in your workspace directory bosh-workspace for future update/deletion. See Deployment state for details.