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This topic describes cloud properties for different resources created by the Google CPI.


Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • zone [String, required]: Zone to use for creating VMs. Example: us-central1-f.
  • node_group [String, optional]: Name of the Sole Tenant Group in which VMs will be created.


- name: z1
    zone: us-central1-f


Schema for cloud_properties section used by dynamic network or manual network subnet:

  • network_name (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Network the CPI will use when creating the instance (if not set, by default it will use the default network). Example: cf.
  • xpn_host_project_id (String, optional) - The project id that owns the network resource to support Shared VPC Networks (XPN) (if not set, it will default to the project hosting the compute resources). Example: my-other-project.
  • subnetwork_name (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Subnet Network the CPI will use when creating the instance. If the network is in legacy mode, do not provide this property. If the network is in auto subnet mode, providing the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, then this field is required. Example: cf-east.
  • ephemeral_external_ip (Boolean, optional) - If instances must have an ephemeral external IP (false by default). Can be overridden in resource_pools. Example: false.
  • ip_forwarding (Boolean, optional) - If instances must have IP forwarding enabled (false by default). Can be overridden in resource_pools. Example: false.
  • tags (Array<String>, optional) - A list of tags to apply to the instances, useful if you want to apply firewall or routes rules based on tags. Will be merged with tags in resource_pools. Example: ["foo","bar"].

Example of manual network:

- name: default
  type: manual
  - range:
    dns: [,]
    azs: [z1, z2]
      network_name: cf
      ephemeral_external_ip: true
      tags: [internal, concourse]

Example of dynamic network spanning two zones:

- name: default
  type: dynamic
  - azs: [z1, z2]
    dns: [,]
      network_name: cf
      ephemeral_external_ip: true
      tags: [internal, concourse]

Example of vip network:

- name: default
  type: vip

VM Types / VM Extensions

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • machine_type (String, required) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Machine Type the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using cpu and ram). Example: n1-standard-1.
  • machine_series (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Machine Series the CPI will use when creating the instance with cpu and ram (n1 by default). Example: n2.
  • cpu (Integer, required) - Number of vCPUs (Google Compute Engine Custom Machine Types) the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using machine_type). Example: 2.
  • ram (Integer, required) - Amount of memory (Google Compute Engine Custom Machine Types) the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using machine_type). Example: 2048.
  • zone (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Zone where the instance must be created. Example: us-west1-a.
  • root_disk_size_gb (Integer, optional) - The size (in Gb) of the instance root disk (default is 10Gb). Example: 10.
  • root_disk_type (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Disk Type the CPI will use when creating the instance root disk. Example: pd-standard.
  • ephemeral_disk_type (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Disk Type the CPI will use when creating the instance ephemeral disk. Currently only local-ssd is supported.
  • automatic_restart (Boolean, optional) - If the instances should be restarted automatically if they are terminated for non-user-initiated reasons (false by default). Example: false.
  • on_host_maintenance (String, optional) - Instance behavior on infrastructure maintenance that may temporarily impact instance performance (supported values are MIGRATE (default) or TERMINATE). Example: MIGRATE.
  • preemptible (Boolean, optional) - If the instances should be preemptible (false by default). Example: false.
  • service_account (String, optional) - The full service account address of the service account to launch the VM with. If a value is provided, service_scopes will default to unless it is explicitly set. See service account permissions for more details. To use the default service account, leave this field empty and specify service_scopes. Example: [email protected].
  • service_scopes (Array<String>, optional) - If this value is specified and service_account is empty, default will be used for service_account. This value supports both short (e.g., cloud-platform) and fully-qualified (e.g., formats. See Authorization scope names for more details. Example: cloud-platform.
  • accelerators (Array<String>, optional) - The name of accelerators that will be attached to instance. You can find them by running gcloud compute accelerator-types list. Example: nvidia-tesla-t4.
  • target_pool (String, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Target Pool the instances should be added to. Example: cf-router.
  • backend_service (String OR Map<String,String>, optional) - The name of the Google Compute Engine Backend Service the instances should be added to. The backend service must already be configured with an Instance Group in the same zone as this instance. To set up Internal Load Balancing use a map and set scheme to INTERNAL and name to the name of the backend service. Example: cf-router (external), {name: "cf-internal", scheme: "INTERNAL"} (internal).
  • ephemeral_external_ip (Boolean, optional) - Overrides the equivalent option in the networks section. Example: false.
  • ip_forwarding (Boolean, optional) - Overrides the equivalent option in the networks section. Example: false.
  • tags (Array<String>, optional) - Merged with tags from the networks section. Example: ["foo","bar"].
  • labels (Map<String,String>, optional) - A dictionary of (key,value) labels applied to the VM. Example: {"foo":"bar"}.

Example of an n1-standard-2 VM:

- name: default
    instance_type: n1-standard-2
    root_disk_size_gb: 20
    root_disk_type: pd-ssd
    - compute.readonly
    - devstorage.read_write

Example of an INTERNAL backend service:

- name: backend-pool
    ephemeral_external_ip: true
      name: name-of-backend-service
      scheme: INTERNAL

Example of an EXTERNAL backend service:

- name: backend-pool
      name: name-of-backend-service
The above backend-service cloud configuration examples are referenced within the deployment manifest as such:

- name: proxy
  instances: 2
  azs: [z1, z2]
  networks: [{name: default}]
  vm_type: default
  stemcell: default
  - name: proxy
    release: default
  vm_extensions: [backend-pool]

Disk Types

Schema for cloud_properties section:

  • type [String, optional]: Type of the disk: pd-standard, pd-ssd. Defaults to pd-standard.

Persistent disks are created in the zone of a VM that disk will be attached.

Example of 10GB disk:

- name: default
  disk_size: 10_240

Global Configuration

The CPI can only talk to a single Google Compute Engine region.

See all configuration options.

Example Cloud Config

- name: z1
  cloud_properties: {zone: us-central1-f}
- name: z2
  cloud_properties: {zone: us-central1-a}

- name: default
    machine_type: n1-standard-4
    root_disk_size_gb: 20
    root_disk_type: pd-ssd

- name: default
  disk_size: 3000

- name: default
  type: manual
  - range:
    dns:     [,]
    azs:     [z1, z2]
      network_name: cf
      ephemeral_external_ip: true
      tags: [internal, concourse]
- name: vip
  type: vip

  workers: 3
  reuse_compilation_vms: true
  az: z1
  vm_type: default
  network: default