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Director HTTP API


Before using the Director API directly, we strongly encourage to consider using the CLI for automation such as performing a scheduled deploy from a CI. We hope that you will open a GitHub issue to share your use cases so that we can suggest or possibly make additions to the CLI.

This document lists common API endpoints provided by the Director.


Discovery through bosh cli

In addition to this reference documentation, endpoints used by the bosh CLI can be discovered by turning on the debugging traces. This enables discovering endpoints associated with the operator facing use-cases, along with sample response payloads.

BOSH_LOG_LEVEL=debug bosh cpi-config |& grep 'request to endpoint'
[httpClient] 2024/06/19 16:35:13 DEBUG - Sending GET request to endpoint ''
[httpClient] 2024/06/19 16:35:13 DEBUG - Sending GET request to endpoint ''

Discovery through source code

As a complement to this reference documentation, reading the bosh director source code can be useful to discover the latest endpoints and their supported options: * controllers specs/unit tests * controllers

Below is a sample rendering of the deployment controller specs in intellij IDE with ruby support enabld: Sample director api specs.png


All API access should be done over verified HTTPS.

The Director can be configured in two authentication modes: basic auth and UAA. The Info endpoint does not require any authentication and can be used to determine which authentication mechanism to use. All other endpoints require authentication.

401 Unauthorized will be returned for requests that contain an invalid basic auth credentials or an invalid/expired UAA access token.

The bosh curl command makes authenticated http requests to the api.

HTTP verbs

Standard HTTP verb semantics are followed:

Verb Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST/PUT Used for creating/updating resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.

HTTP redirects

Any request may result in a redirection. Receiving an HTTP redirection is not an error and clients should follow that redirect. Redirect responses will have a Location header field. Clients should use same authentication method when following a redirect.

Rate limiting

Currently no rate limiting is performed.


Currently none of the resources are paginated.

Long running operations (aka Director tasks)

Certain requests result in complex and potentially long running operations against the IaaS, blobstore, or other resources. POST /deployments is a good example. Such requests start a Director task and continue running on the Director after response is returned. Response to such request will be a 302 Moved Temporarily redirect to a created task resource.

Once a Director task is created, clients can follow its progress by polling GET /tasks/{id} to find out its state. While waiting for the task to finish, different types of logs (event, result, debug information, etc.) can be followed to gain insight into what the task is doing.


GET /info: Info

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: Director details.

  • name [String]: Name of the Director.
  • uuid [String]: Unique ID of the Director.
  • version [String]: Version of the Director software.
  • user [String or null]: Logged in user's user name if authentication is provided, otherwise null.
  • cpi [String]: Name of the CPI the Director will use.
  • user_authentication [Hash]:
    • type [String]: Type of the authentication the Director is configured to expect.
    • options [Hash]: Additional information provided to how authentication should be performed.
  • features [Hash]:
    • config_server [Hash]: - status [Boolean]: Default false. - extras [Hash]: - urls [Array]: List of URLs for the Config Server.


  • This is the only endpoint that does not require authentication.
  • In future version will contain version of the deployed BOSH release.


curl -s -k | jq .
bosh curl /info | jq .
  "name": "Bosh Lite Director",
  "uuid": "2daf673a-9755-4b4f-aa6d-3632fbed8012",
  "version": "1.3126.0 (00000000)",
  "user": null,
  "cpi": "warden_cpi",
  "user_authentication": {
    "type": "basic",
    "options": {}


GET /configs: List configs

Request query

  • latest [Boolean, required]: Returns latest configs when set to true. Otherwise return all configs when set to false. Possible values: true or false. There is no default.
  • type [String, optional]: Filters list of configs by the given type.
  • name [String, optional]: Filters list of configs by the given name.

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of configs.

  • id [String]: ID of the config.
  • name [String]: Name of the config.
  • type [String]: Type of the config, i.e. 'cloud', 'cpi', 'runtime'.
  • content [String]: YAML containing the config manifest.
  • created_at [Time]: Creation time of the config.
  • deleted [Boolean]: Soft delete flag.


curl -s -k | jq .
bosh curl /configs?latest=true | jq .
    "content": "azs:\n- name: z1\n...",
    "id": "1",
    "type": "cloud",
    "name": "default"

POST /configs: Create config.

Request headers

  • Content-Type must be application/json.

Request body

The request body consists of a single JSON hash with the following key, value pairs:

  • name [String]: Name of the config.
  • type [String]: Type of the config, i.e. 'cloud', 'cpi', 'runtime'.
  • content [String]: YAML containing the config manifest.

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: The newly created config.

  • name [String]: Name of the config.
  • type [String]: Type of the config, i.e. 'cloud', 'cpi', 'runtime'.
  • content [String]: YAML containing the config manifest.
  • created_at [Time]: Creation time of the config.
  • deleted [Boolean]: Soft delete flag.


curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "test", "type": "cloud", "content": "--- {}"}' | jq .
  "content": "--- {}",
  "id": "3",
  "type": "cloud",
  "name": "test"

POST /configs/diff: Diff config.

Request headers

  • Content-Type must be application/json.

Request body

The request body consists of a single JSON hash with the following key, value pairs:

  • name [String]: Name of the config.
  • type [String]: Type of the config, i.e. 'cloud', 'cpi', 'runtime'.
  • content [String]: YAML containing the config manifest.

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: The changes.

  • diff [Array]: List of differences.
  • error [String]: Error description if an error happened.


curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "default", "type": "cloud", "content": "--- {}"}' | jq .
  "diff": [
      "az: z2",

DELETE /configs: Marks configs as deleted.

Request Query

  • name [String]: Name of the config.
  • type [String]: Type of the config, i.e. 'cloud', 'cpi', 'runtime'.


curl -s -k -X DELETE


See Director tasks for related info.

GET /tasks: List all tasks

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of tasks.

  • id [Integer]: Numeric ID of the task.
  • state [String]: Current state of the task. Possible values are: queued, processing, cancelled, cancelling, done, error, timeout.
  • description [String]: Description of the task's purpose.
  • timestamp [Integer]: todo.
  • result [String or null]: Description of the task's result. Will not be populated (string) unless tasks finishes.
  • user [String]: User which started the task.
  • context_id [String]: Context ID of the task, if provided when task was created, otherwise empty string.

Query filters

  • state: [String]: Filter by task state
  • verbose [Integer]: Use integer greater than 1 to show all task types
  • context_id [Integer]: Context ID associated with task
  • limit [Integer]: Maximum number of tasks to show
  • deployment [String]: Deployment name.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks?verbose=2&limit=3' | jq .
bosh curl '/tasks?verbose=2&limit=3' | jq .
    "id": 1180,
    "state": "processing",
    "description": "run errand acceptance_tests from deployment cf-warden",
    "timestamp": 1447033291,
    "result": null,
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": ""
    "id": 1179,
    "state": "done",
    "description": "scan and fix",
    "timestamp": 1447031334,
    "result": "scan and fix complete",
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": ""
    "id": 1178,
    "state": "done",
    "description": "scan and fix",
    "timestamp": 1447031334,
    "result": "scan and fix complete",
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": ""
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks?state=queued,processing,cancelling&verbose=2' | jq .
bosh curl '/tasks?state=queued,processing,cancelling&verbose=2' | jq .
    "id": 1180,
    "state": "processing",
    "description": "run errand acceptance_tests from deployment cf-warden",
    "timestamp": 1447033291,
    "result": null,
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": ""
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks?deploymet=cf-warden' | jq .
    "id": 1180,
    "state": "processing",
    "description": "run errand acceptance_tests from deployment cf-warden",
    "timestamp": 1447033291,
    "result": null,
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": ""
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks?context_id=4528' | jq .
bosh curl '/tasks?context_id=4528' | jq .
    "id": 1180,
    "state": "processing",
    "description": "run errand acceptance_tests from deployment cf-warden",
    "timestamp": 1447033291,
    "result": null,
    "user": "admin",
    "context_id": "4528"

GET /tasks/{id}: Retrieve single task

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: Task details.

See additional schema details above.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1180' | jq .
bosh curl '/tasks/1180' | jq .
  "id": 1180,
  "state": "processing",
  "description": "run errand acceptance_tests from deployment cf-warden",
  "timestamp": 1447033291,
  "result": null,
  "user": "admin",
  "context_id": ""

GET /tasks/{id}/output?type=debug: Retrieve task's debug log

Response body schema

[root] [String]: Debug output for the chosen task.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1180/output?type=debug'
bosh curl '/tasks/1180/output?type=debug'
D, [2015-11-09 02:19:36 #32545] [] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: RECEIVED: director.37d8c089-853e-458c-8535-195085b4b7ed.459b05ae-8b69-4679-b2d5-b34e5fef2dcc {"value":{"agent_task_id":"c9f5b328-0656-41f1-631c-e17151be1e18","state":"running"}}
D, [2015-11-09 02:19:36 #32545] [task:1180] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000441s) SELECT NULL
D, [2015-11-09 02:19:36 #32545] [task:1180] DEBUG -- DirectorJobRunner: (0.000317s) SELECT * FROM "tasks" WHERE "id" = 1180

GET /tasks/{id}/output?type=event: Retrieve task's event log

Response body schema

[root] [String]: Result output for the chosen task. Newlines separate valid event JSON records.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1181/output?type=event'
bosh curl '/tasks/1181/output?type=event'
    "time": 1446959491,
    "stage": "Deleting errand instances",
    "tags": [ "smoke_tests" ],
    "total": 1,
    "task": "59d5b228-a732-4c68-6017-31fe5bc9d8c5",
    "index": 1,
    "state": "started",
    "progress": 0
    "time": 1446959496,
    "stage": "Deleting errand instances",
    "tags": [ "smoke_tests" ],
    "total": 1,
    "task": "59d5b228-a732-4c68-6017-31fe5bc9d8c5",
    "index": 1,
    "state": "finished",
    "progress": 100

GET /tasks/{id}/output?type=result: Retrieve task's result

Response body schema

[root] [String]: Result output for the chosen task. Contents depend on a type of task.

Example of VM details task

curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1181/output?type=result'
bosh curl '/tasks/1181/output?type=event'
    "vm_cid": "ec974048-3352-4ba4-669d-beab87b16bcb",
    "disk_cid": null,
    "ips": [""],
    "dns": [],
    "agent_id": "c5e7c705-459e-41c0-b640-db32d8dc6e71",
    "job_name": "doppler_z1",
    "index": 0,
    "job_state": "running",
    "resource_pool": "medium_z1",
    "vitals": {
        "cpu": {
            "sys": "9.1",
            "user": "2.1",
            "wait": "1.7"
        "disk": {
            "ephemeral": {
                "inode_percent": "11",
                "percent": "36"
            "system": {
                "inode_percent": "11",
                "percent": "36"
        "load": ["0.61", "0.74", "1.10"],
        "mem": {
            "kb": "2520960",
            "percent": "41"
        "swap": {
            "kb": "102200",
            "percent": "10"
    "processes": [{
        "name": "doppler",
        "state": "running"
    }, {
        "name": "syslog_drain_binder",
        "state": "running"
    }, {
        "name": "metron_agent",
        "state": "running"

POST /tasks/cancel: Cancel tasks

Request headers

  • Content-Type must be application/json.
  • X-Bosh-Context-Id can be optionally configured with a Context ID that can be used to link related BOSH requests

Request body scheme

[root] [Hash]: Task filters.

  • types [Array]: Task types to cancel (e.g., update_deployment, scan_and_fix, update_stemcell). Default: all tasks.
  • states [Array]: Task states to cancel. Possible values are: queued, processing. Default: queued.
  • deployment [String]: Cancel tasks only for the given deployment. Default: all deployments.




GET /stemcells: List all uploaded stemcells

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of stemcells.

  • name [String]: Name of the stemcell.
  • version [String]: Version of the stemcell.
  • operating_system [String]: Operating system identifier. Example: ubuntu-xenial and centos-7.
  • cid [String]: Cloud ID of the stemcell.
  • deployments [Array]: List of deployments currently using this stemcell version.
    • name [String]: Deployment name.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/stemcells | jq .
bosh curl '/stemcells' | jq .
    "name": "bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent",
    "operating_system": "ubuntu-xenial",
    "version": "621.74",
    "cid": "stemcell-f580d090-7cdb-4ee2-6d9a-fd2b155024f8",
    "deployments": [
      { "name": "cf-warden" }


GET /releases: List all uploaded releases

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of releases.

  • name [String]: Name of the release.
  • release_versions [Array]: List of versions available.
    • version [String]: Version of the release version.
    • commit_hash [String]: Identifier in the SCM repository for the release version source code.
    • uncommitted_changes [Boolean]: Whether or not the release version was created from a SCM repository with unsaved changes.
    • currently_deployed [Boolean]: Whether or not the release version is used by any deployments.
    • job_names [Array of strings]: List of job names associated with the release version.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/releases | jq .
bosh curl '/releases' | jq .
    "name": "bosh-warden-cpi",
    "release_versions": [
        "version": "28",
        "commit_hash": "4c36884a",
        "uncommitted_changes": false,
        "currently_deployed": false,
        "job_names": [ "warden_cpi" ]
    "name": "test",
    "release_versions": [
        "version": "0+dev.16",
        "commit_hash": "31ef3167",
        "uncommitted_changes": true,
        "currently_deployed": false,
        "job_names": [ "http_server", "service" ]
        "version": "0+dev.17",
        "commit_hash": "e5416248",
        "uncommitted_changes": true,
        "currently_deployed": true,
        "job_names": [ "drain", "errand", "http_server", "pre_start", "service" ]


GET /deployments: List all deployments

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of deployments.

  • name [String]: Name of the deployment.
  • cloud_config [String]: Indicator whether latest cloud config is used for this deployment. Possible values: none, outdated, latest.
  • releases [Array]: List of releases used by the deployment.
    • name [String]: Name of the release.
    • version [String]: Version of the release.
  • stemcells [Array]: List of stemcells used by the deploymemt.
    • name [String]: Name of the stemcell.
    • version [String]: Version of the stemcell.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments | jq .
bosh curl '/deployments' | jq .
    "name": "cf-warden",
    "cloud_config": "none",
    "releases": [
        "name": "cf",
        "version": "222"
        "name": "cf",
        "version": "223"
    "stemcells": [
        "name": "bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent",
        "version": "621.74"
        "name": "bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent",
        "version": "456.112"

GET /deployments?exclude_configs=true&exclude_releases=true&exclude_stemcells=true: List all deployments without configs, releases, and stemcells

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of deployments.

  • name [String]: Name of the deployment.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments?exclude_configs=true&exclude_releases=true&exclude_stemcells=true | jq .
bosh curl '/deployments?exclude_configs=true&exclude_releases=true&exclude_stemcells=true' | jq .
    "name": "cf-warden"

POST /deployments: Create/update single deployment

Request query

  • recreate [Boolean]: Whether or not to ignore deletion errors. Possible values: true or not present. Default is not present.
  • skip_drain [String]: Comma separated list of job names that should not run drain scripts during the update. Possible values: * to represent all jobs, <job1>,<job2> to list job names, or not present. Default is not present.

Request headers

  • Content-Type must be text/yaml.
  • X-Bosh-Context-Id can be optionally configured with a Context ID that can be used to link related BOSH requests

Request body scheme

[root] [String]: Manifest string. Note that non-exact version values (latest value) for releases and stemcells must be resolved before making a request.


Creating/updating a deployment is performed in a Director task. Response will be a redirect to a task resource.

GET /deployments/{name}: Retrieve single deployment

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: Single deployment.

  • manifest [String]: Last successfully deployed manifest string.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments/cf-warden | jq .
bosh curl '/deployments/cf-warden' | jq .
  "manifest": "---\nname: cf-warden\n..."

DELETE /deployments/{name}: Delete single deployment

Request query

  • force [Boolean]: Whether or not to ignore deletion errors. Dangerous! Possible values: true or not present. Default is not present.

Request body



Deleting a deployment is performed in a Director task. Response will be a redirect to a task resource.

Instances in a deployment


This feature is available with bosh-release v256+.

Instances represent the expected state of the VMs of a deployment. The actual state of the VMs can be retrieved with the vms endpoints. instances is similar to vms, but also contains instances that do not have a VM.

GET /deployments/{name}/instances: List all instances

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of instances.

  • agent_id [String]: Unique ID of the Agent associated with the VM. Could be nil if there is no VM for this instance.
  • cid [String]: Cloud ID of the VM. Could be nil if there is no VM for this instance.
  • job [String]: Name of the job.
  • index [Integer]: Numeric job index.
  • id [String]: ID of the instance.
  • expects_vm [Boolean]: true if a VM should exist for this instance.


  • This endpoint does not query Agents on the VMs, hence is returned immediately.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments/example/instances' | jq .
bosh curl '/deployments/example/instances' | jq . 
    "agent_id": "c5e7c705-459e-41c0-b640-db32d8dc6e71",
    "cid": "ec974048-3352-4ba4-669d-beab87b16bcb",
    "job": "example_service",
    "index": 0,
    "id": "209b96c8-e482-43c7-9f3e-04de9f93c535",
    "expects_vm": true
    "agent_id": null,
    "cid": null,
    "job": "example_errand",
    "index": 0,
    "id": "548d6aa0-eb8f-4890-bd3a-e6b526f3aeea",
    "expects_vm": false

GET /deployments/{name}/instances?format=full: List details of instances

Response body schema

[root] [String]: For each instance there is one line of JSON. The JSON contains the following details.

  • agent_id [String]: Unique ID of the Agent associated with the VM.
  • vm_cid [String]: Cloud ID of the VM.
  • resource_pool [String]: Name of the resource pool used for the VM.
  • disk_cid [String or null]: Cloud ID of the associated persistent disk if one is attached.
  • job_name [String]: Name of the job.
  • index [Integer]: Numeric job index.
  • job_state [String]: Aggregate state of job. Possible values: running and other values that represent unhealthy state.
  • ips [Array of strings]: List of IPs.
  • vitals [Hash]: VM vitals.
  • processes [Array of hashes]: List of processes running as part of the job.
  • state [String]: State of instance
  • vm_type [String]: Name of VM type
  • az [String]: Name of availability zone
  • id [String]: ID of instance
  • bootstrap [Boolean]: bootstrap property of instance specific configuration
  • ignore [Boolean]: Ignore this instance if set to true


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments/example/instances?format=full'
bosh curl 'deployments/example/instances?format=full'
< HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
< Location:
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1287' | jq .
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1287/output?type=result'

Formatted example of details of a single instance

  "vm_cid": "86eb5e8e-a8c8-4f7b-a20c-cd696bf80938",
  "disk_cid": "70a3c01c-728e-4335-9630-1f1985a40c99",
  "ips": [
  "dns": [],
  "agent_id": "0a54d3bb-f78b-412f-b662-dbff7733a823",
  "job_name": "example_service",
  "index": 0,
  "job_state": "running",
  "state": "started",
  "resource_pool": "resource_pool_1",
  "vm_type": "resource_pool_1",
  "vitals": {
    "cpu": {
      "sys": "1.3",
      "user": "4.9",
      "wait": "0.1"
    "disk": {
      "ephemeral": {
        "inode_percent": "0",
        "percent": "0"
      "persistent": {
        "inode_percent": "0",
        "percent": "67"
      "system": {
        "inode_percent": "34",
        "percent": "48"
    "load": [
    "mem": {
      "kb": "227028",
      "percent": "6"
    "swap": {
      "kb": "25972",
      "percent": "1"
  "processes": [
      "name": "postgresql",
      "state": "running",
      "uptime": {
        "secs": 1212309
      "mem": {
        "kb": 489836,
        "percent": 12.1
      "cpu": {
        "total": 0
  "az": null,
  "id": "548d6aa0-eb8f-4890-bd3a-e9b526f3aeeb",
  "bootstrap": false,
  "ignore": false

VMs in a deployment

GET /deployments/{name}/vms: List all VMs

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List of VMs.

  • agent_id [String]: Unique ID of the Agent associated with the VM.
  • cid [String]: Cloud ID of the VM.
  • job [String]: Name of the job.
  • index [Integer]: Numeric job index.
  • id [String]: Unique ID of the Instance.
  • az [String]: Name of the availability zone.
  • ips [Array]: List of IP addresses.
  • vm_created_at [String]: Time when the VM was created.
  • active [Boolean]: Whether the VM is active.
  • permanent_nats_credentials [Boolean]: Whether the VM has permanent NATS credentials.


  • This endpoint does not query Agents on the VMs, hence is returned immediately.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments/cf-warden/vms' | jq .
bosh curl '/deployments/cf-warden/vms' | jq .
    "agent_id": "14cabf81-250c-492f-9361-6cd75140e474",
    "cid": "vm-499a56c9-80ad-4ba2-5294-46c2fa0f5f20",
    "job": "doppler_z1",
    "index": 0,
    "id": "91faf7a2-2f56-457a-871e-4235aef2ae5c",
    "az": "az1",
    "ips": [
    "vm_created_at": "2023-01-11T14:11:02Z",
    "active": true,
    "permanent_nats_credentials": true
    "agent_id": "3ccab591-883e-4c7f-9188-ae6dac02e974",
    "cid": "vm-2a5084e3-b481-486b-6b9d-3f8661f14ede",
    "job": "api_z1",
    "index": 0,
    "id": "1cd8e497-e095-45e7-bdaa-30b8468fccff",
    "az": "az1",
    "ips": [
    "vm_created_at": "2023-01-11T14:11:02Z",
    "active": true,
    "permanent_nats_credentials": false

GET /deployments/{name}/vms?format=full: List VM details

Response body schema

[root] [String]: Each VM's details are separated by a newline.

  • agent_id [String]: Unique ID of the Agent associated with the VM.
  • vm_cid [String]: Cloud ID of the VM.
  • active [Boolean]: Whether the VM is active.
  • vm_created_at [String]: Time when the VM was created.
  • cloud_properties [Hash]: Cloud properties of the VM.
  • disk_cid [String]: Cloud ID of the VM's disk.
  • disk_cids [Array]: List of Cloud IDs of the VM's disks.
  • resource_pool [String]: Name of the resource pool used for the VM.
  • disk_cid [String or null]: Cloud ID of the associated persistent disk if one is attached.
  • job_name [String]: Name of the job.
  • index [Integer]: Numeric job index.
  • job_state [String]: Aggregate state of job. Possible values: running and other values that represent unhealthy state.
  • ips [Array of strings]: List of IPs.
  • vitals [Hash]: VM vitals.
  • processes [Array of hashes]: List of processes running as part of the job.
  • state [String]: State of the VM
  • vm_type [String]: Name of VM type
  • az [String]: Name of availability zone
  • id [String]: ID of the VM
  • bootstrap [Boolean]: bootstrap property of VM specific configuration
  • ignore [Boolean]: Ignore this VM if set to true
  • stemcell [Hash]: Information of the Stemcell used for the VM.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/deployments/cf-warden/vms?format=full'
< HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
< Location:
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1181' | jq .
curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/tasks/1181/output?type=result'
    "vm_cid": "3938cc70-8f5e-4318-ad05-24d991e0e66e",
    "active": true,
    "vm_created_at": "2023-01-11T14:11:02Z",
    "cloud_properties": {
        "zone": "us-east1-c",
        "machine_type": "n1-standard-2",
        "root_disk_size_gb": 20,
        "root_disk_type": "pd-ssd"
    "disk_cid": null,
    "ips": [""],
    "dns": [],
    "agent_id": "d927e75b-2a2d-4015-b5cc-306a067e94e9",
    "job_name": "example_service",
    "index": 0,
    "job_state": "running",
    "state": "started",
    "resource_pool": "resource_pool_1",
    "vm_type": "resource_pool_1",
    "vitals": {
        "cpu": {
            "sys": "0.3",
            "user": "0.1",
            "wait": "0.0"
        "disk": {
            "ephemeral": {
                "inode_percent": "5",
                "percent": "32"
            "persistent": {
                "inode_percent": "3",
                "percent": "67"
            "system": {
                "inode_percent": "34",
                "percent": "66"
        "load": ["0.00", "0.01", "0.10"],
        "mem": {
            "kb": "605008",
            "percent": "7"
        "swap": {
            "kb": "75436",
            "percent": "1"
    "processes": [{
        "name": "beacon",
        "state": "running",
        "uptime": {
            "secs": 1212184
        "mem": {
            "kb": 776,
            "percent": 0
        "cpu": {
            "total": 0
    }, {
        "name": "baggageclaim",
        "state": "running",
        "uptime": {
            "secs": 1212152
        "mem": {
            "kb": 8920,
            "percent": 0.1
        "cpu": {
            "total": 0
    }, {
        "name": "garden",
        "state": "running",
        "uptime": {
            "secs": 1212153
        "mem": {
            "kb": 235004,
            "percent": 2.8
        "cpu": {
            "total": 0.2
    "az": null,
    "id": "abe6a4e9-cfca-490b-8515-2893f9e54d20",
    "bootstrap": false,
    "ignore": false,
    "stemcell": {
        "name": "bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent",
        "version": "621.359",
        "api_version": 3

Example of a single VM details formatted

  "agent_id": "c5e7c705-459e-41c0-b640-db32d8dc6e71",

  "vm_cid": "ec974048-3352-4ba4-669d-beab87b16bcb",
  "resource_pool": "medium_z1",
  "disk_cid": null,

  "job_name": "doppler_z1",
  "index": 0,

  "job_state": "running",
  "ips": [ "" ],
  "dns": [],

  "vitals": {
    "cpu": {
      "sys": "9.1",
      "user": "2.1",
      "wait": "1.7"
    "disk": {
      "ephemeral": {
        "inode_percent": "11",
        "percent": "36"
      "system": {
        "inode_percent": "11",
        "percent": "36"
    "load": [ "0.61", "0.74", "1.10" ],
    "mem": {
      "kb": "2520960",
      "percent": "41"
    "swap": {
      "kb": "102200",
      "percent": "10"

  "processes": [
      "name": "doppler",
      "state": "running"
      "name": "syslog_drain_binder",
      "state": "running"
      "name": "metron_agent",
      "state": "running"


See Events for info.

GET /events: List events

Response body schema

[root] [Array]: List 200 events matching particular criteria. See query params below for filtering options.

  • id [String]: Event ID.
  • parent_id [String]: Associated start event ID if this event represents an end of some action.
  • timestamp [Integer]: Time at which event was recorded.
  • user [String]: Associated user name. Also can be _director for system initiated events. Example: admin.
  • action [String]: Action performed against an object. Example: create, delete, update.
  • object_type [String]: Type of an affected object. Example: deployment, instance.
  • object_name [String]: Identifier of an affected object. Example: bosh (deployment), bosh/db7658b6-de2f-4c94-a261-acaf4c4b7f62 (instance).
  • task [String]: Associated task ID. Example: 293543.
  • deployment [String]: Name of the deployment.
  • error [String]: Error description if an error happened.
  • context [Hash]: Additional data specific to this event. For example for update deployment ending event context includes list of releases and stemcells before and after the deployment.

Query filters

  • before_id: [String]: Event ID.
  • before_time [String]: Ruby parseable time. Example: Thu May 4 17:06:40 UTC 2017.
  • after_time [String]: Ruby parseable time. Example: Thu May 4 17:06:40 UTC 2017
  • task [String]: Task ID.
  • deployment [String]: Deployment name.
  • instance [String]: Instance name.
  • user [String]: User name.
  • action [String]: Action.
  • object_type [String]: Object type.
  • object_name [String]: Object name.


curl -v -s -k https://admin:[email protected]:25555/events | jq .
bosh curl /events | jq .
    "id": "3134",
    "parent_id": "3123",
    "timestamp": 1493917600,
    "user": "admin",
    "action": "update",
    "object_type": "deployment",
    "object_name": "bosh",
    "task": "37037",
    "deployment": "bosh",
    "context": {
      "before": {
        "releases": [
        "stemcells": [
      "after": {
        "releases": [
        "stemcells": [
    "id": "3133",
    "parent_id": "3132",
    "timestamp": 1493917600,
    "user": "admin",
    "action": "update",
    "object_type": "instance",
    "object_name": "bosh/db7658b6-de2f-4c94-a261-acaf4c4b7f62",
    "task": "37037",
    "deployment": "bosh",
    "instance": "bosh/db7658b6-de2f-4c94-a261-acaf4c4b7f62",
    "context": {}

GET /events/{id}: Retrieve single event

Response body schema

[root] [Hash]: Event details.

See additional schema details above.


curl -v -s -k 'https://admin:[email protected]:25555/events/3133' | jq .
bosh curl /events/3133 | jq .
  "id": "3133",
  "parent_id": "3132",
  "timestamp": 1493917600,
  "user": "admin",
  "action": "update",
  "object_type": "instance",
  "object_name": "bosh/db7658b6-de2f-4c94-a261-acaf4c4b7f62",
  "task": "37037",
  "deployment": "bosh",
  "instance": "bosh/db7658b6-de2f-4c94-a261-acaf4c4b7f62",
  "context": {}

POST /events: Create single event

Request body schema

[root] [Hash]: Event details.

  • timestamp [String, optional]: Optionally provide a timestamp when event occurred.
  • action [String, required]
  • object_type [String, required]
  • object_name [String, required]
  • deployment [String, optional]: Deployment name.
  • instance [String, optional]: Instance name.
  • error [String, optional]: Error description.
  • context [Hash, optional]