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Creating a Release

A release contains one or more pieces of software that work together. For example, you could create a release of a service with three pieces: two MySQL nodes and a dashboard app.

There are four fundamental elements in a release:

  • Jobs describe pieces of the service or application you are releasing
  • Packages provide source code and dependencies to jobs
  • Source provides non-binary files to packages
  • Blobs provide binary files (other than those checked into a source code repository) to packages

The following instructions use an example release that includes two jobs: a web UI and a background worker. The two jobs split up the functionality provided by single Ruby app, ardo_app (you can use simple gist as app).


This section needs to be completed once. Next, you iterate through Steps 1 through 6 until your dev release is satisfactory. Then you can do a final release.

Create the release directory

To create the release directory, navigate into the workspace where you want the release to be, and run:

bosh init-release --dir <release_name>

You can add the --git option to initialize a git repository. Use dashes in the release name. Use underscores for all other filenames in the release.

View the release with tree:

tree .

Should result in:

├── config
│   ├── blobs.yml
│   └── final.yml
├── jobs
├── packages
└── src

4 directories, 2 files

When deploying your release, BOSH places compiled code and other resources in the /var/vcap/ directory tree, which BOSH creates on the job VMs. The four directories you just created, jobs, packages, src, and blobs, appear on job VMs as /var/vcap/jobs, /var/vcap/packages, /var/vcap/src, and /var/vcap/blobs, respectively.

Populate the src directory

Copy your source code into the src directory. Alternatively, link your source code to the directory using a mechanism such as a Git submodule or a Mercurial repo.

In our example, we create a folder named ardo_app and put our source code there.

View the release with tree:

$ tree .
├── config
│   ├── blobs.yml
│   └── final.yml
├── jobs
├── packages
└── src
    └── ardo_app
        ├── Gemfile
        ├── Gemfile.lock
        ├── app.rb

5 directories, 6 files

Choose a work strategy

Choose whether you want to work one step at a time or one job at a time. For releases with just a few jobs, going one step at a time is probably easiest. If you have a larger number of jobs, going one job at a time may be more efficient.

Step 1: Create Job Skeletons

Navigate into the release directory.

For each job, create a job skeleton:

bosh generate-job <job_name>

In our example, we run bosh generate-job twice, once for the web_ui job, and once for the bg_worker job.

View the job skeletons with tree:

tree .

Should result in:

├── config
│   ├── blobs.yml
│   └── final.yml
├── jobs
│   ├── bg_worker
│   │   ├── monit
│   │   ├── spec
│   │   └── templates
│   └── web_ui
│       ├── monit
│       ├── spec
│       └── templates
├── packages
└── src
    └── ardo
        ├── Gemfile
        ├── Gemfile.lock
        ├── app.rb

9 directories, 10 files

Create control scripts

Every job needs a way to start and stop. You provide that by writing a control script and updating the monit file.

The control script:

  • Includes a start command and a stop command.
  • Is an ERB template stored in the templates directory for the relevant job.

For each job, create a control script that configures the job to store logs in /var/vcap/sys/log/JOB_NAME. Save this script as ctl.erb in the templates directory for its job.

The control script for the web_ui job looks like this:



case $1 in

    mkdir -p $RUN_DIR $LOG_DIR
    chown -R vcap:vcap $RUN_DIR $LOG_DIR

    echo $$ > $PIDFILE

    cd /var/vcap/packages/ardo_app

    export PATH=/var/vcap/packages/ruby_1.9.3/bin:$PATH

    exec /var/vcap/packages/ruby_1.9.3/bin/bundle exec \
      rackup -p <%= p('port') %> \
      >>  $LOG_DIR/web_ui.stdout.log \
      2>> $LOG_DIR/web_ui.stderr.log


    kill -9 `cat $PIDFILE`
    rm -f $PIDFILE


    echo "Usage: ctl {start|stop}" ;;


If your release needs templates other than the control script, create them now.

For example if the job can be used to deploy clusters of nodes, especially in the case of stateful clusters (e.g. a database or distributed data store), you will want to write a drain script for your job to ensure that the service is not affected by the rolling provisioning/update operations performed by BOSH.

Update monit files

The monit file:

  • Specifies the process ID (pid) file for the job
  • References each command provided by the templates for the job
  • Specifies that the job belongs to the vcap group

On a deployed release, a BOSH Agent runs on each job VM. BOSH communicates with the Agent, which in turn executes commands in the control script. The Agent does this using open source process monitoring software called Monit, version 5.2.5.

The monit file for the web_ui job looks like this:

check process web_ui
  with pidfile /var/vcap/sys/run/web_ui/pid
  start program "/var/vcap/jobs/web_ui/bin/ctl start"
  stop program "/var/vcap/jobs/web_ui/bin/ctl stop"
  group vcap

Update the monit file for each of your jobs. Use /var/vcap paths as shown in the example.


BOSH requires a monit file for each job in a release. When developing a release, you can use an empty monit file to meet this requirement without having to first create a control script.

Update job specs

At compile time, BOSH transforms templates into files, which it then replicates on the job VMs.

The template names and file paths are among the metadata for each job that resides in the job spec file.

In the job spec file, the templates block contains key/value pairs where:

  • Each key is template name
  • Each value is the path to the corresponding file on a job VM

The file paths that you provide for templates are relative to the /var/vcap/jobs/<job_name> directory on the VM. For example, bin/ctl becomes /var/vcap/jobs/<job_name>/bin/ctl on the job VM. Using bin as the directory where these files go is a convention.

The templates block of the updated spec files for the example jobs look like this:

  ctl.erb: bin/ctl

For each job, update the spec file with template names.

Testing job templates

Job templates are rendered by the BOSH director during a bosh deploy operation. The ERB templates are rendered in the Ruby runtime of the BOSH director. This means that changes within the BOSH director can affect the ability to render the templates.

It's recommended to validate the templates successfully render using the most recent BOSH director. A shared Concourse task can be used to perform a dry run deployment of a BOSH release. Documentation for the task can be found in the task yaml. If Concourse is unavailable, it should be possible to adapt the testing process to run within Docker.

The tests use a provided set of BOSH deployment manifests. Your templates may have branching logic within them so multiple manifests may be needed to ensure all paths are properly exercised.


You have now created one or more job skeletons; this is a good time to commit.

If you used the --git option with bosh init-release (as recommended), the correct .gitignore file has been automatically created for you.

Step 2: Make Dependency Graphs

There are two kinds of dependencies in a BOSH release:

  • The runtime dependency, where a job depends on a package at runtime. For example, the web_ui job depends on Ruby.
  • The compile-time dependency, where a package depends on another package at compile time. For example, Ruby depends on the YAML library.

Three rules govern these dependencies:

  • Jobs never depend on other jobs.
  • Jobs can depend on packages.
  • Packages can depend on other packages.

Building the Dependency Graph

Create a dependency graph to clarify your understanding of the dependencies between the jobs and packages in your release.

Identify runtime dependencies

Whenever a control script or other template cites a package name, the job that the template belongs to depends on the cited package at runtime.

For each job, find all the cases where your control scripts cite packages. Add these runtime dependencies to your dependency graph.

In our example, this line in both of our ctl.erb scripts cites ardo_app:

cd /var/vcap/packages/ardo_app

This line cites Ruby:

exec /var/vcap/packages/ruby_1.9.3/bin/bundle exec

This means that both the web-ui and bg_worker jobs have runtime dependencies on both the ardo_app and ruby_1.9.3 packages.

We add these four runtime dependencies to our example dependency graph.

Identify compile-time dependencies

Use your knowledge about the runtime dependencies you have already noted. Consider the packages you have identified as dependencies. Do any of them depend on other packages in turn?

Whenever a package depends on another package, that is a compile-time dependency.

For each job, add the compile-time dependencies to your dependency graph. If you miss a dependency, BOSH lets you know later, when you try to deploy.

In our example, we already noted a runtime dependency on Ruby 1.9.3. We now ask ourselves whether Ruby 1.9.3 itself has any dependencies. The answer is yes, it depends on libyaml 0.1.4.

We add this compile-time dependency to our example dependency graph.

The complete example dependency graph

The complete dependency graph for ardo-release looks like this:


For a large or complicated release, consider making more than one dependency graph.

Step 3: Create Package Skeletons

Packages give BOSH the information needed to prepare the binaries and dependencies for your jobs.

Create package skeletons starting from the bottom of your dependency graph.

bosh generate-package <dependency_name>

In our example, we run this command three times. Starting from the bottom of the dependency graph, we run it for libyaml_0.1.4, ruby_1.9.3, and ardo_app.

View the package skeletons with tree:

tree packages

Should result in:

├── ardo_app
│   ├── packaging
│   ├── pre_packaging
│   └── spec
├── libyaml_0.1.4
│   ├── packaging
│   ├── pre_packaging
│   └── spec
└── ruby_1.9.3
    ├── packaging
    ├── pre_packaging
    └── spec

3 directories, 9 files

Putting each dependency in a separate package provides maximum reusability along with a clear, modular structure. This is not mandatory; what packages to create is a matter of preference. You could even opt to put all the dependencies together in a single package, though that is not recommended.


Use of the pre_packaging file is not recommended, and is not discussed in this tutorial.

Without using pre_packaging for our ardo_app we need to pack gems manually for further usage:

cd src/ardo_app/
bundle package

Update packaging specs

Within each package directory, there is a spec file which states:

  • The package name
  • The package's dependencies
  • The location where BOSH can find the binaries and other files that the package needs at compile time

Use your dependency graph to determine which dependencies belong in each spec. Developer preferences and style play a role here. Consider our example: the spec for Ruby lists rubygems and bundler as dependencies along with Ruby itself. Some Ruby developers would do it this way; others would not.

To maximize portability of your release across different versions of stemcells, never depend on the presence of libraries or other software on stemcells.

To describe binary locations in the files block of the spec:

  • Find the official site for the binary in question. For example, Ruby might be at

  • Download the binary from the official location and make sure the file hash matches.

  • Record the binary name including version number, with a slash and the binary filename concatenated to it. It's a good idea to cite the official URL in a comment, in the same line.

BOSH interprets the locations you record in the files section as being either in the src directory or in the blobs directory. (BOSH looks in src first.) When you add the actual blobs to a blobstore (see the next section), BOSH populates the blobs directory with the correct information.

For packages that depend on their own source code, use the globbing pattern <package_name>/**/* to deep-traverse the directory in src where the source code should reside.

Update the spec for each package. Refer to the example specs below for guidance.

Example libyaml package spec

name: libyaml_0.1.4

dependencies: []

- libyaml_0.1.4/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz # From

Example Ruby package spec

name: ruby_1.9.3

- libyaml_0.1.4

- ruby_1.9.3/ruby-1.9.3-p484.tar.gz #
- ruby_1.9.3/rubygems-1.8.24.tgz    #
- ruby_1.9.3/bundler-1.2.1.gem      #

Example ardo_app package spec

name: ardo_app

- ruby_1.9.3

- ardo_app/**/*

Create packaging scripts

At compile time, BOSH takes the source files referenced in the package specs, and renders them into the executable binaries and scripts that your deployed jobs need.

You write packaging scripts to instruct BOSH how to do this. The instructions may involve some combination of copying, compilation, and related procedures. For example:

  • For a Ruby app like ardo_app, BOSH must copy source files and install Ruby gems.

  • For Ruby itself, BOSH must compile source code into a binary.

  • For a Python app, BOSH must copy source files and install Python eggs.

BOSH relies on you to write packaging scripts that perform the correct operation.

Adhere to these principles when writing packaging scripts:

  • Use your dependency graph to determine which dependencies belong in each packaging script.

  • Begin each script with a set -e -x line. This aids debugging at compile time by causing the script to exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero exit code.

  • Ensure that any copying, installing or compiling delivers resulting code to the install target directory (represented as the BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET environment variable). For make commands, use configure or its equivalent to accomplish this.

  • Be aware that BOSH ensures that dependencies cited in the dependencies block of package spec files are available to the deployed binary. For example, in the spec file for the Ruby package, we cite libyaml as a dependency. This ensures that on the compilation VMs, the packaging script for Ruby has access to the compiled libyaml package.

If the instructions you provide in the packaging scripts fail to deliver compiled code to BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET, the job cannot function because the VM has no way to find the code to run. This failure scenario can happen if, for example, you use a make command that delivers compiled code to some standard location by default. You can fix the problem by configuring make to compile into BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET. See how this is done in the example packaging scripts.

Like control scripts, writing packaging scripts is one of the heavier tasks entailed in creating a release. Write your packaging scripts now. Refer to the examples below for guidance.

Example libyaml packaging script

set -e -x

tar xzf libyaml_0.1.4/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
pushd yaml-0.1.4
  ./configure --prefix=${BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET}

  make install

Example Ruby packaging script

set -e -x

tar xzf ruby_1.9.3/ruby-1.9.3-p484.tar.gz
pushd ruby-1.9.3-p484
  ./configure \
    --prefix=${BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET} \
    --disable-install-doc \

  make install

tar zxvf ruby_1.9.3/rubygems-1.8.24.tgz
pushd rubygems-1.8.24
  ${BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET}/bin/ruby setup.rb

${BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET}/bin/gem install ruby_1.9.3/bundler-1.2.1.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc

Example ardo_app packaging script

set -e -x

cp -a ardo_app/* ${BOSH_INSTALL_TARGET}


/var/vcap/packages/ruby_1.9.3/bin/bundle install \
  --local \
  --deployment \
  --without development test

Update job specs with dependencies

The dependency graph reveals runtime dependencies that need to be added to the packages block of the job spec.

Edit the job specs to include these dependencies.

In our example, the dependency graph shows that web_ui job depends on ardo_app and ruby_1.9.3:

- ardo_app
- ruby_1.9.3

Step 4: Add Blobs

When creating a release, you will likely use a source code repository. But releases often use tar files or other binaries, also known as blobs. Checking blobs into a repository is problematic if your repository unsuited to dealing with large binaries (as is true of Git, for example).

BOSH lets you avoid checking blobs into a repository by doing the following:

  • For dev releases, use local copies of blobs.

  • For a final release, upload blobs to a blobstore, and direct BOSH to obtain the blobs from there.

Configure a blobstore

In the config directory, you record the information BOSH needs about the blobstore:

  • The final.yml file names the blobstore and declares its type, which is either local or one of several other types that specify blobstore providers.

  • The private.yml file specifies the blobstore path, along with a secret.

private.yml contains keys for accessing the blobstore and should not be checked into a repository. (If you used the --git option when running bosh init-release at the beginning of this tutorial, private.yml is automatically gitignored.)

The config directory also contains two files whose content is automatically generated: the blobs.yml file and the dev.yml file.

Adapt the examples below to fit the specifics of your release. Our example release uses the local type blobstore because otherwise it would be necessary to explain how to configure a public blobstore such as Amazon S3, which is too large a topic for this context. More information on full blobstore configuration can be found here.

The local type blobstore is suitable for learning but the resulting release cannot be shared. For that reason, you should configure a non-local, publicly available blobstore for releases that you intend to share. Normally, the blobstore you choose when you begin working on a release is used for all subsequent versions of the release. Changing the blobstore that a release uses is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Example final.yml:

name: ardo_app
  provider: local
    blobstore_path: /tmp/ardo-blobs

Example private.yml:

blobstore_secret: 'does-not-matter'
    blobstore_path: /tmp/ardo-blobs

If you have a private.yml file:

  • Required: Include the blobstore_path in the private.yml file.
  • Optional: Include the blobstore_path in the final.yml file. Doing so allows you to gitignore the private.yml file but still allow the release to be downloaded and used on other systems.


The blobstore_secret is required for the local type blobstore. This is true even though the blobstore_secret line is deprecated and its content does not matter. There is never a blobstore_secret line for blobstores of types other than local.

Inform BOSH where blobs are

In the package spec file, the files block lists any binaries you downloaded, along with the URLs from which you downloaded them. (This assumes that you followed the directions in the Update package specs section.)

Those files are blobs, and now you need the paths to the downloaded blobs on your local system.

In our example, the spec file for the libyaml_0.1.4 package includes the line:

- libyaml_0.1.4/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz # From

If you downloaded the blob, its local path might be:


Go through all your packages and make a list of local paths to the blobs you downloaded. Now you are ready to inform BOSH about these blobs.

For each blob, run:

bosh add-blob <path_to_blob_on_local_system> <path_as_specified_in_spec_files>


bosh add-blob ~/Downloads/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz libyaml_0.1.4/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz

The bosh add-blob command adds a local blob to the collection your release recognizes as BOSH blobs.

The usage shown above works like this:

  • For the first argument, you provide the path to the blob on your local system
  • For the second argument, you provide a destination within the blobs directory in your release

Using the package name as the prefix for the second argument of the bosh add-blob command is recommended because it produces a cleanly-organized blobs directory.

Later, when you upload blobs for a final release, BOSH uses the hidden directory as a staging area.

View the release with tree:

$ tree .
├── blobs
│   ├── libyaml_0.1.4
│   │   └── yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
│   └── ruby_1.9.3
│       ├── bundler-1.2.1.gem
│       ├── ruby-1.9.3-p484.tar.gz
│       └── rubygems-1.8.24.tgz
├── config
│   ├── blobs.yml
│   └── final.yml
├── jobs
│   ├── bg_worker
│   │   ├── monit
│   │   ├── spec
│   │   └── templates
│   │       └── ctl.erb
│   └── web_ui
│       ├── monit
│       ├── spec
│       └── templates
│           └── ctl.erb
├── packages
│   ├── ardo_app
│   │   ├── packaging
│   │   └── spec
│   ├── libyaml_0.1.4
│   │   ├── packaging
│   │   └── spec
│   └── ruby_1.9.3
│       ├── packaging
│       └── spec
└── src
    └── ardo_app
        ├── Gemfile
        ├── Gemfile.lock
        ├── app.rb
        └── vendor
            └── cache
                ├── rack-1.5.1.gem
                ├── rack-protection-1.3.2.gem
                ├── sinatra-1.3.4.gem
                └── tilt-1.3.3.gem

17 directories, 26 files

Do not upload blobs for a dev release

Once you have uploaded blobs to a non-local blobstore, those blobs may become essential to some other developer. For this reason, uploading a blob and then removing it is considered poor practice.

When creating dev releases, do not run bosh upload-blobs. (You only run it when you do a final release.)

Step 5: Create Job Properties

If your service needs to be configurable at deployment time, you create the desired inputs or controls and specify them in the release. Each input is a property that belongs to a particular job.

Creating properties requires three steps:

  1. Define properties and defaults in the properties block of the job spec.

  2. Use the property lookup helper p() to reference properties in relevant templates.

For example, a start command can take a property as an argument, using the property lookup helper:

   <%= p('<property_name>') %>
  1. Specify the property in the deployment manifest.

Adapt the example below to create any properties your release needs now.

In our example, we want the port that the web UI listens on to be a configurable property.

We edit the spec for the web UI job to look like this:

    description: Port that web_ui app listens on
    default: 80

Step 6: Create a Dev Release

All the elements needed to create a dev release should now be in place.


For the dev release, use the --force option with the bosh create-release command. This forces BOSH to use the local copies of our blobs.

Without the --force option, BOSH requires blobs to be uploaded before you run bosh create-release. For a final release, we upload blobs, but not for a dev release.

Create the dev release:

bosh create-release --force

BOSH prompts for a release name, and assigns a dot-number version to the release.

Deploy the Dev Release

Deploying the release requires three or more steps, depending on whether BOSH is targeting the desired Director, and whether BOSH is already pointing to a release.

See what director BOSH is targeting:

bosh env

Target a director:

bosh -e <director_alias> log-in

See what releases are available:

bosh releases

If BOSH is already pointing to a release, edit the BOSH deployment manifest. Otherwise, create a manifest. See BOSH Deployment Manifest for more information. Simple manifest for ardo_app can be found here.

Upload the new dev release.

bosh upload-release

Assuming you are in the release directory, no path is needed with the above command.


bosh -d bosh-tutorial-deployment deploy <path-to-manifest.yml>


Once deployment finishes successfully, most likely you will not be able to access the ruby app you just deployed through the browser. It is because there is no firewall rule attached to the vms. You can attach a firewall rule to the vms, or just bosh ssh into the vms and run curl localhost:<port>

Test the Dev Release

What tests to run depends on the software you are releasing.

Start by opening a separate terminal, logging in on the job VM, and observing logging output as you test your release.

If your release fails tests, follow this pattern.

  • Fix the code.
  • Do a new dev release.
  • Run bosh deploy to see whether the new release deploys successfully.

Using bosh deploy --recreate can provide a clearer picture because with that option, BOSH deploys all the VMs from scratch.

Create a Final Release

Only proceed to this step if your latest dev release passes all tests.

Upload blobs

When you use the bosh create-release --force command to create them, dev releases depend on locally-stored blobs. To do a final release, you must upload blobs first.

If files that you need to keep private are uploaded to a public blobstore, there is no satisfactory way to undo the mistake. To avoid this situation, complete the following steps immediately before you upload blobs:

  1. Run bosh blobs to see the list of blobs BOSH is prepared to upload

  2. Proofread the list of blobs displayed by the command

  3. The list should include only the blobs you need for the final release

  4. If the list includes any files that should not be uploaded, find and delete the symbolic links to them in the blobs directory

To upload your blobs, run:

bosh upload-blobs


The bosh upload-blobs command has now populated the blobs.yml file in the config directory with metadata for uploaded blobs.

This is a good reason to commit.



bosh create-release --final

BOSH prompts you for a release name, and assigns a whole-number version to the release.

This is a good time to push your code to a shared repository to give others access to your final release.


Do one more commit before you deploy!

Deploy the Final Release


bosh deploy